Tag Archives: Conservative

Capitalism And It’s Failure

I just ran into a post of mine on another blog that I wrote in 2008.

Good stuff – Enjoy.

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Teen Unemployment: What Drives It

The minimum wage debate is an old favorite. Another very visible and clear line of disagreement between conservatives and liberals. There are those on one side that feel we should increase the minimum wage to a level that better represents a living wage. Other, myself included, feel that wages are best left to the negotiations of the employer and the employee.

There are all kinds of debates raging about that people aren’t able to afford to raise a family on the minimum wage. Heck, it can be legitimately argued that you can’t raise YOURSELF on minimum wage. Be that as it may, I don’t wanna get into that. What I wanna look at is what the impact of the minimum wage, specifically changing it, has on the folks earning it.

Let’s look.

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Charter Schools

There are a couple of topics that keep me in conflict; I admit it. I have tried over the last few years to resolve the issue but can’t really seem to come to a good conclusion.

Lemme explain.

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Right-Wing Nut vs. Left-Wing Nut

One of my friends on Facebook posted something about Planned Parenthood a couple of weeks ago.  She tends to favor the Liberal side.  And while I trend Liberal on Social issues, I find myself taking middle ground on abortion.

We had a wonderful discussion.  While it was me debating 2-3 more Liberal friends, it was polite, engaging and civil.

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I Don’t Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

The most famous line in the world: North Carolina State Politics Edition.

With a charging Republican majority in North Carolina, the State is getting ready to make some serious budget cuts.  People are going to have to sacrifice, to be sure.  And the deeper and sooner that sacrifice occurs, the better off the financial stability of the State.

Yet, no one can accept that fact.

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The Tea Party and The Gay Vote

Tuesday was powerful.  The shift in American politics was one not seen in 60 or more years.

In fact, if you go to the State level, the shift was so massive that it may literally have been unprecedented.  The number of State seats that shifted from the Democrats to the Republicans was devastating to the Democrats.  And it was virtually complete.

And behind the whole thing was the Tea Party.

Not the crazy loons the Left Wing trotted out in front of the news broadcasts to be sure.  But the disciplined message that we are focused on fiscal issues that impact the economy.

Liberty by Law.

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Where I’d Start Cutting Budgets

Look, I get it.  The new popularity of the conservative movement is that we have to reduce the size of the government.  We have to Spend Less, Tax Tess.  Reduce spending and reduce taxes.

I get it.  I do.

But we can NOT reduce taxes right now UNLESS we reduce spending.

Now, I AM a proponent of the idea that when taxes are raised it acts as an economic inhibitor.  That businesses will grow slower or even shrink.  That as taxes rise, the amount of money we bring in is actually less than the amount we could have brought in.

But there is a limit.

So, where would you cut?

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Listening to the Left

So, alright.  I’m guilty.

I listen to the Right.  Except for my morning commute, where I listen to Brad and Britt, I get my radio and TV from the Right.  My news, I get from more main stream sources; Economist, Reuters, CNBC, Wall Street Journal and NY Times.

But when I watch or listen, it’s from the Right.

So I started watching Maddow.

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Time To Move On

Even if you’re against gay marriage, the time has come to move on.

No one wants to run on this, and they shouldn’t.  It’s a loser.

So this just makes us look dumb:

RALEIGH, N.C. — A national group touring the country to show support for traditional marriage is holding a rally in North Carolina.

The event is one of more than 20 stops on the organization’s summer bus tour.

But there is hope:

North Carolina is the only Southeastern state that hasn’t approved a state constitutional amendment restricting marriage to between one man and one woman.

Carolina may be resisting the dark side.

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Save Marriage

I’m so very tired of the Left restricting Liberty wherever she shows her face.  I’m further dismayed when the Right does it as well:

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