Monthly Archives: February 2015

Destruction Of Individual Property Rights

Propert Rights

Who would have thought that we would see the day where it would be illegal to invite people into your own house:

— City officials on Tuesday ordered a Raleigh man to stop renting out a room in his Five Points home through the Airbnb website while the city studies the growing trend of using such online services.
I applaud the explosion of options offered by Uber and Airbnb.  What better way to open more and freer markets to provide greater opportunities for individuals?

What Is Poverty And Minimum Wage

Minimum WageI am going to borrow liberally from the Coyote and he gives a shout out to Carpe Diem.  The debate concerning isn’t about making the lives of those suffering in poverty better – rather it is the “do gooders” crowd trying to impose their version of “fair” on others:

Note the household income per earner for the lowest quintile.  It equates to something over $14 an hour, well above minimum wage almost everywhere in the US and nearly as high as the $15 national minimum wage proposed as an anti-poverty program.

The problem with most poor households is not wage rate, it is getting full time work.  The household income per earner is nearly as high as the average income of the second quintile.  The problem is that most poor households do not have full-time earners.   The key stat is that only 16% worked full-time and only 30% had any sort of job at all.

Pay attention!  The key metric is not that those in poverty are being paid low wages, it’s that they don’t have jobs.  And raising the minimum wage only makes finding jobs harder.

Characteristics of Income