Tag Archives: Recession

99 Weeks Ending Soon

The Recession hit.  And it hit hard.

And now that it’s over, many people, economists and politicians, are wondering when the jobs are going to come back.

Heck, look at the recent election for proof that current conditions are brutal.  Don’t think that the surviving Democrats aren’t mindful of where we are and where we’re going.

And the current dilemma?  Unemployment benefits are going to expire for many folks pretty soon.

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Immigration and the Job Recovery

There is an interesting dynamic occurring as we come out of the recession.

And the lesson should be used to illustrate how we shape our economic policies going forward.

The story is the story of two recoveries:

1.  The recovery for native-born workers.

2.  The recovery for foreign-born workers.

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Unemployment? Management Positions on the Street

Gallop has unemployment at 10.0% in October.  Further, they have underemployment at 18.4%.

While shopping the other day, I had to push a sandwich board out of my way.

This is what it said:

There are 4 distinct departments hiring for management positions.

If anyone claims that there are no jobs out there, they are ignoring jobs that they don’t want.

If You Can’t Find a Job — You Don’t Want One

Everywhere I go I see “help wanted”.

You tell me you can’t find a job I call bullshit.

More ahem Unemployment

If you can’t find work, you ain’t lookin’!


Clear case of marginal value. If we were REALLY at the point where people NEEDED jobs, this sign would be down the second it was put up.

Leftists: What We Are Up Against

I have always maintained that the Leftist has an unfair advantage.  THEY get to preach the populist message while we’re left holding the bag for being responsible.

It’s the same dynamic at work that caused me to LOVE spending time with grandma and grandpa.  When i was with them, I got what I wanted.  It was ice cream and chocolate milk.  It was cookies for bedtime and cake for breakfast.  We didn’t have to go to Sunday School but we got to ride in the back of the pick up.

All fun. No responsibility.

Just like Ben and his post on China, slave labor and tariffs.

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Those Damn Banks!

We’ve heard it before.  I’m sure we’ll hear it again.

Wall Street banks and their greed caused the Great Recession.  And what’s more, it’s those same banks, sitting on our money given to them via TARP, that are KEEPING us in recession because they won’t lend money!

Greedy bastards!

But is it true?

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Unemployment? Perhaps Unemployment is the “New” Job?

More and more I’m convinced that what we see here isn’t a true indicator of unemployment.  Rather, what we’re seeing is a text book example of:

In other countries, particularly in Europe, benefits are more generous and last longer. The drawback to this generosity is that it reduces a worker’s incentive to quickly find a new job. Generous unemployment benefits in some European countries are widely believed to be one of the main causes of “Eurosclerosis,” the persistent high unemployment that affects a number of European countries.

And can you guess who said THAT?

The most Liberal Economist Alive:  Paul Krugman; that’s who.

Anyway, Exhibit in the Unemployment Fallacy:

The Upside to Paying Taxes in California

Serious.  There seems to be an upside.

California is going broke.  And how.

They tax the rich out of their state.  They tax the businesses out of their state.  They’ll tax anything that moves and now, they’ll tax half of that stuff that doesn’t.

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