Tag Archives: Democrat


I am Christian.

I am Libertarian.

I believe that human life is entitled to Divine Liberty.  Or, for the non-believers, Natural Liberty.

But I don’t know that I can say life begins at conception.

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The Liberals Of Today Don’t Remember The Lessons Of Yesterday

And it’s not their fault.  See, the Liberals of yesterday have grown up and become the Conservatives of today.

Our problem is that we keep having children who become Liberals for a short time before reaching full adulthood.

Now, to be sure, some of those kids become infatuated with the concept of Liberalism and make it a lifestyle, but by and large….our youth outgrow their Liberal tendencies nicely.

Which leads me to this point.

We know that the housing bubble lead to our current economic malaise.  AND we know what lead to the housing bubble.

The problem?  Yesterdays children don’t.

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United States and Medical Care: We’re #1

Of course we are.  No one really REALLY thinks that we’re not.

Some people, like those crazy guys that just moved in down the block, they DO think other parts of the world rank better.

Well, given the peculiarity of the health care market, and the fact that all other industrialized countries have a much less expensive, much more effective, it seems that too much government involvement is not the problem with our current health care system.

The problem is, of course, that it’s just not true.

Now, to be sure, there ARE studies that show the United States coming in some other place than first, but I don’t think the measurement system is really one that can be trusted to measure medical care delivery.  Afterall, they’re measuring things not really associated with medical care:

Mean Minimum Maximum
Health 25 20 40
Health Inequalities 30 20 30
Responsiveness Level 12.5 5 15
Responsiveness Distribution 12.5 5
Fair Financing 25 15 35

To be sure, some of these are fair measurements.  Others, however, not so much.  For example, Fair Financing.  This metric doesn’t speak to the quality of care, simply the amount of income to purchase it.  Others again, fail to measure the qualify of care given.  They simply measure distribution of said care.  Without a doubt the inclusion of such characteristics may be acceptable from your POLITICAL position, but it in no way measures the quality of care being delivered.

But really, the point I wanna make is this.  The world comes here for care.  We don’t go there.

In the past five years, would-be parents from as far as Istanbul and Uruguay have turned to healthy, young American mothers to serve as surrogates, according to the Detroit Free Press.

The babies are born U.S. citizens, but surrogacy agency officials say that’s not a primary motivation for the parents, who typically come from European and Latin American countries where surrogacy is illegal or socially unacceptable. The parents have exhausted other options and are willing to pay about $50,000 to $100,000 — part of which goes to the surrogate — to have biological children.

The world, having exhausted all other options, are willing t pay money to come to America to take advantage of our medical delivery services.

So, is the fact that people are willing, and ABLE mind you, to pay $50-$100k for a procedure, impacting the amount of money spent in American health care costs by the way, a good thing or a dirty rotten example of how America just sucks at all things medical care related?

Yeah.  That’s what I thought too.

Middle Class

For a long time now I’ve been interested in “The Middle Class”, or as I call it, The Big MC™ What it is, what it means and how it’s been used over the years. My fascination comes from two sources; my own personal experience and then the use of The Big MC in today’s Liberal shaping of the term.

America’s greatest allure is that through the promise of Liberty any individual is able to achieve that goal of leaving the days of back breaking labor to the days of our fathers and giving a better life to our children. It is our birthright as a nation that our citizens are able to have a better tomorrow than a better yesterday. It’s our hope, our collective yearning, that our drive to and from the salt mines will bring better days, that has framed our national dialogue.

It is both ironic and horrifying that the same should be used as a wedge to drive us apart and serve to prevent that very dream from it’s manifest.

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We ID Every One Who Is 30 Years Old Or Younger

Here in North Carolina you are able to vote at a polling location if you have already registered as long as you claim that you who you say you are and live where you say you live.

No requirement to prove you are who you say you are or that you live where you say you live.

Just show up.  State your name and address.  Sign on the line.

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Right-Wing Nut vs. Left-Wing Nut

One of my friends on Facebook posted something about Planned Parenthood a couple of weeks ago.  She tends to favor the Liberal side.  And while I trend Liberal on Social issues, I find myself taking middle ground on abortion.

We had a wonderful discussion.  While it was me debating 2-3 more Liberal friends, it was polite, engaging and civil.

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Wherein Pino Channels Barack Obama

Sometime ago a young President wannabe uttered the fateful words:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

In the spirit of that cooperation, I offer you my plan on dealing with the Wisconsin situation.

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Obama And Unions

In what is clearly a state issue, President Obama has decided he needs to weigh in on the proposed legislation in Wisconsin.

Long a fan and powerful ally of unions in general, it is no surprise that Obama would come out in favor of the specific debate in Wisconsin.

Further adding to the list of non-surprises is his choice of words and his tactic of rhetoric.

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When We Said “Smaller Government” We Meant Smaller Government!

For nearly 40 years I lived free from the burdens of a red hot political fire.  Sure I had my views on issues, the big ones, without a doubt.  But reading and studying like I’ve done?  Never.

It never EVER occurred to me to “be political”.

But that ALL changed with Barack Hussein Obama.  In an instant.

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I Don’t Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

The most famous line in the world: North Carolina State Politics Edition.

With a charging Republican majority in North Carolina, the State is getting ready to make some serious budget cuts.  People are going to have to sacrifice, to be sure.  And the deeper and sooner that sacrifice occurs, the better off the financial stability of the State.

Yet, no one can accept that fact.

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