Tag Archives: Conservative


I came across a great Pelosi quote this morning; from Coyote:

Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.

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Health Care is NOT a Basic Human Right

I had a very fascinating conversation today about Human Rights and whether or not Health Care is a Basic Human Right.

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Republicans Can Only Blame Themselves

There is a decent chance, better than 50-50 right now, that Obama will pass his health care turkey.  If he does, Republicans are partly to blame.

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The GOP is Limiting Their Base

The more and more I watch, follow this stuff and learn, I begin to feel that there is no party for me.  I see these far far off the map religious kooks and I’m like “Jeez!  That’s not even CLOSE to me!”

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The Best Way to Get Rid of Junk

Auction it.

EGELSTON TOWNSHIP, Mich.  —  An anonymous buyer has purchased a western Michigan pedestrian bridge for $1.

But why would the government sell a perfectly good bridge for a buck?

Egelston Township used the bridge to give students safe passage to an elementary school. The school no longer is used for elementary students.

Egelston Township Supervisor Mike Thompson … was worried about the safety of the seldom-used, 39-year-old structure.

Can you imagine how much it would cost the township to think about, debate, vote, put to bid and then PAY union workers to tear down that bridge?  Hell, itta be 10 years before that sucker finally came down; due to torrential rain or some other such nonsense.

Government should guide, market should do!

Capitalism: Millions of People Are Being Yanked Out of Abject Poverty Daily

It’s a pretty familiar refrain “Everything is made in China, that’s why it’s so cheap!”

This is usually followed up with the typical “slave labor” and “sweat shop” and other oft trotted out horror stories.

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Pre-Existing Conditions

This health care debate has been raging for quite some time.  Listening to the talk and the pundits and all the rest of ’em, you begin to filter out the chaff from the wheat.  It seems pretty clear that there is a general agreement that we all agree change has to take place; it is costing more than it needs to for medical care.  Equally clear is that there is a fundamental philosophical difference between the Liberals and the Conservatives.

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An Amazing Article

You know that feeling?  The one where you are getting your head slammed into a wall and then it suddenly stops?  Oh how it feels so good.  Which, if you are like me and believe that all people are good and will eventually see the light, only makes the shattering of hope all the more painful when the beating continues.

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Feature Not Bug

A long time ago [longer than I like] I turned 10.  My folks performed the usual; presents, cake and a party.  My friends came over, maybe spent the night, fun was had and Normal America ruled the day.  But there was something else that occurred on that birthday.  See, when I turned 10 that year, I was given something that I am still enjoying today; a job!

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Red or Blue

I am pretty much disgusted with all politics.  And all people in ’em.  Perhaps most especially vile are the Parties.  It seems that in order to satisfy the party, each candidate has to run for the edges, the FAR edges.  They have to do this to get the support, connections and money from the apparatus.  In short, people are rather forced to do and say things they might not otherwise.

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