Tag Archives: Leftists

Jon Stewart Winked

So, last we spoke about Jon Stewart, I was complaining that he let Weiner off the hook.  I made mention of this fact because I felt that Jon is Liberal, Anthony is Liberal and so, Jon let him free.  In retrospect I suspect that the reason Jon Stewart went easy on Anthony Weiner was because the two are friends.

Fair enough.

But tonight I’m catching up on my “The Daily Show” and Jon is mocking Chris Wallace and his interview of Stewart.

In that interview, Jon asks Chris, “Do you think I’m an ideological partisan activist?”

Chris answered, “Yes.”

And Stewart responded that he disagreed with Wallace.


Jon devouts hours of his time to the mocking of Fox News for being “unbalanced.”  A view I happen to agree with.  It’s clear that Fox takes the conservative “side” in the reporting of the news.  And if Jon felt that he needed to defend his honor in being a comic that comes across as a neutral player, you would think that he would mock MSNBC for the same bias tendencies that Fix has.

None.  Nary a word.

CNN?  Sure.

MSNBC?  Maddow?  Matthews?  Obelrman?

Chirp Chirp.

Stewart is a partisan hack.  He’s funny and talented.  To be very clear, he’s VERY talented.

But he’s a hack.

I was wrong, Jon didn’t blink; he winked.

Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law: Thoughts

First, out of the gate:  Unions are loathsome awful things.

They produce nothing; create nothing.

They drain resources from the companies they work for and inhibit growth and expansion.

They do this by appealing to the populist message that unions protect the worker, the everyday guy gettin’ ‘er done.

Fair wage, safe conditions and equality for all.

But it’s not true.  Precious little of it is true.

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Home Values: Government Regulation Doesn’t Work

Government has no place in the market.  In so much that the government needs to spend money on things that constitute the proper role of government, there is nothing that the State does that is expressly efficient.

The State is unable to address the needs and/or wants of the populace well enough to signal an efficient use of scare resources; resources that have alternative uses.  The government can, by force of gun or sword, dictate where money is spent, to be sure.  But that government has neither the ability or will to intuit that “will of the people who is the mark of a dynamic market.

What does this mean?

It means the government is incapable of spending your money better than you are.

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I like going to the YMCA to work out.  Mostly I like going to the tavern after I work out for a beer.  But this is my story so we’ll just go with the whole YMCA thing.

In recent months, the YMCA has shifted the way it market’s itself.  They’re moving away from the “YMCA” towards a more general “The Y”.


Who cares?

Then I saw this:

Interesting, huh?  Even catchy.

Ramblin’ Rose Triathalon.

Now look closer:

Pure awesomeness!

The YMCA, in an effort to be more gender neutral, has a “Women Only” event.

Freakin’ Leftists 😉

We Dropped the Bomb 66 Years Ago: Look What Happened

Several days ago my friend over at Rational Republican posted about the plight of California.  A once great state relegated to the backwaters of the nation.

After years of continued liberal policies, the state that may very well have been the economic powerhouse of the nation is instead hemorrhaging people, earners and businesses.

It’s sad.

To put it into words, consider the years following the bombing of Japan.

See what the difference is between a pro-growth and pro-liberal mindset.

Consider Hiroshima and Detroit.

RR, you have to move.

Every Light In The House Will Be On

This Saturday is the day of the year when we are supposed to observe Earth Hour.

At 8:30 PM on Saturday 26th March 2011, lights will switch off around the globe for Earth Hour and people will commit to actions that go beyond the hour.

We are supposed to turn off all of our lights in order to demonstrate that we love our world; our earth.


Every light in the house will be on.

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A Voice of Reason Comes From the Left

The money isn’t big; on either side.  The amount of money the Federal Government gives to NPR isn’t a significant portion of what the Federal Government spends.

AND, the amount of money that the Federal Government gives to NPR isn’t a significant portion of the money that NPR spends.

But it matters.  It matters because the act of giving that money is an act of explicit approval.  Approval for the way that NPR runs it’s business.

And many don’t agree.

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Behold the Gentle Unionista

Much gnashing of teeth has been made over the fact that the Right Wing engages in violent and aggressive rhetoric.  Hand in hand with that is the concept that the Left Wing is a bunch of gentle lambs seeking peace and love and overall gentleness.

Behold said gentleness:

Fire. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

Wherein The Economist Brings The Dynamite

I read the Economist because it annoys me.

Don’t get me wrong.  I love LOVE the cover art and the graphs are way cool; geeky cool.

But, they are Liberal Leftists from Europe and it just bugs me enough to net out annoyed.

Which only means I love it when they bring the whup-ass.

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Behold The Unionista

These are teachers.

These are people who teach our children to love learning.  To respect others.  To play nice.

And this is what we get:  From Althouse

Unions!  Fire every single one of these union workers that called in sick to protest!