After Weiner was “caught” exposing his private self in public, New York had a special election to replace him. Here is some commentary:
In what can be taken as a referendum on Barack Obama, Republican Bob Turner picked up a Democratic seat in New York thanks in part to his ability to attach Democratic candidate David Weprin to the President’s handling of the economy.
Although observers warn against looking too much at the special election as a bellwether for 2012, Republicans were quick to tout the win as a referendum on the President’s jobs agenda.
“Bob Turner’s victory tonight is a tribute to Republicans commitment to preserve and strengthen the middle class, create jobs, and grow our economy. And it sends a clear message that will echo nationwide: Democrats will be held accountable for their vote to pass the President’s jobs bill,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-OH., said in a statement.
Republican Congressional Campaign Committee chairman Steve Israel sent a similar warning message to Republicans.
“Today, the Democrat’s plan to begin a new round of stimulus cost $3.4 million and a seat in Congress. And this is only the first seat,” Israel, D-N.Y., said in a statement. “We served notice to the Democrats that we will fight them anywhere in America when it comes to defending and strengthening American’s.”
Interesting huh? One election and the Republicans are talking all that. But check it out. THAT isn’t the language of the election in New York this past Tuesday. THAT is the report from the press back when the Democrats took the Republican seat back in May.
This is one seat in one state that is likely to go away soon. However the news may be overstated by the Republicans, in no WAY can tis be considered good news for the Democrats.