Monthly Archives: June 2011

Obama’s Speech: What He Should Say – June 22, 2011

Tonight President Obama is going to deliver his vision on the war in Afghanistan.  There is pressure here due to the fact that we are facing a massive deficit AND we have killed Bin Laden.  Some feel that we have achieved the mission.

Obama is going to have to deliver this message during the Republican Primary battle.  What he says tonight not only will shape America’s involvement in Afghanistan, not only will hint at Obama’s thoughts on our other wars but will define the Republican’s campaigns for their nomination.  In short, it will have the result of drawing the battle lines the Republicans will employ against Obama’s policy.

So, what should Obama say?

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Shrinking The Income Disparity Gap: What Would It Mean?

So, I had an interesting discussion with reflectionephemeral over at Poison Your Mind.  We were discussing the meaning of income disparity here in America and then around the world.

I acknowledge that such disparity is increasing; the gap between the rich and the poor seems to be getting wider and wider all the time.  And America is much less income level mobile.  That is, it is more difficult here in America to move from one income bracket to another than it is in say, Europe.

However, I make my point that while the gap may be larger, the rich may indeed be getting a larger slice of the pie, that the slice the poor DO get is much bigger than they otherwise would.

In my conversation, I envisioned two scenarios:

A. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being rich, the poorest averaged a 2 while the rich averaged a 3.

B. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being rich, the poorest averaged a 4 while the rich averaged a 9.

In world B, the poor earn MORE than the rich in world A. However, in world B, the rich are wealthier in relation to the poor in world A.

Which would you pick?

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Immigration Law

I’ve been living in Carolina for awhile now.  Today represents the 4,423rd consecutive day that I’ve left my property carrying my ID.

This includes 100% of my trips to the ice cream cone store.

Just sayin’.

Citizenship: What It Takes To Become An American Citizen

I’m always looking for great content to comment on.  I’m always watching TV listening for idea.  I have the radio on, waiting for the snippet that’ll lead to more and more thoughts for posts.  I troll through the news media; the big guys.

You know, Fox and The Wall Street Journal.  The NY Times and Reuters.  The Economist and KOS.

I KILL me!  The KOS, as if.

A long time ago I went to grab a soda from our break room at the office and saw an issue of the “Independent Weekly” in the corner.  Normally, I pass this by, but they had a cover that grabbed my attention.

In our 2010 Citizen Awards we redefine “citizen”

I grabbed the copy and saved it for future blogging.  Tonight I’m cleaning out my stash and have realized the time has come to address the Indy.

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Weekly Presidential Address: June 18, 2011

This week Obama focused on the obvious subject; Dads and Father’s Day.  It’s a good listen and well worth the 4+ minutes.

Listening to the President I’m reminded that the Left doesn’t have bad goals, in fact, the message that they preach is often one of noble and admirable qualities.  A message that IS jarringly absent in some of the circles and conversations we involve ourselves in day to day.  With that said, I certainly disagree on how we get to that place we wanna be.  But it’s hard not to agree on that destination.

Happy Father’s Day President!

Why Does Health Care Cost So Much?

The United States consistently ranks as one of the lowest advanced nations when it comes to health care.  To add further to the poor ranking of the US is the fact that we spend so much more money on our medical care than do other nations.  In terms of GDP, we outpace most, if not all, nations in the world.  We simply spend too much money.

The cost of medical care is one of the driving forces behind the call for this reform.  And for the most part, I’m all for that.  Generally speaking, reducing the amount of money we spend for a service or product is a good thing.  A good thing with one caveat:  Unless spending more on that thing is reported incorrectly.

For instance, suppose I enjoy minor league baseball.  And I spend $200 this year but will end up spending $400 next.  That can sound like a bad thing.  Unless, of course, it really means I went to twice as many games, in which case it’s a GREAT thing!

So, what are we spending all this money on and how can we fix it?

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Unintended Consequences: California Style

There are some good things in California.  For example, I can think of two:

1.  California Pizza Kitchen

2.  That little corner store on Inter-State 8 East just before you hit the Arizona line.  How can’t you like the last thing in California?

But seriously, California must be a nice place to live.  It HAS to be, or so many otherwise sensible people wouldn’t live there.

But that doesn’t mean business find it a nice place to live.

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Government Can’t Get Too Large

Because really, nothing should go unregulated.

In an age where we believe that the only valid unassisted choice a person can make is to abort or not abort a child, the government continues to restrict our liberties.  In the name of “safety” the government, and those who are government fan-boys, march toward the regulation of every movement and decision we make.

Buy too big a house and can’t afford the payments?

Regulate it.

Wanna consume cheap energy?

Regulate it.

Wanna sell flowers in New Orleans?

Regulate it.

And now this.  Kids selling lemonade to people who are hot.  Regulated:

BETHESDA, Md. (WUSA) — You can make a fortune selling parking spots outside the US Open, but don’t even dream of setting up a lemonade stand.

A county inspector ordered the Marriott and Augustine kids to shut down the stand they set up on Persimmon Tree Rd., right next to Congressional.


Some kids set up a lemonade stand and were told they needed a $300 permit.

No regulation is too big to save us from the next Wall Street greed induced bubble!

Breaking News: Weiner to Resign

The New York Times is reporting Weiner will resign:

Representative Anthony D. Weiner has told friends that he plans to resign his seat after revelations of his lewd online exchanges with women, said a person told of Mr. Weiner’s plans.

I don’t like people that yell and scream like Weiner did.  There are times and places for that type of behavior, but he utilized it far to often.  It demonstrated a different kind of characteristic.

Him sending pictures of himself in the gym and in his draws is consistent with that kind of behavior.

My question now is this:

Where will the Democrats put him?

CNN with the ex-governor of New York?

I gotta wonder, ’cause he ain’t got any other skills.

North Carolina Budget: Veto Override

For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was President, the North Carolina budget has been proposed by a republican controlled body.

And the state governor, Beverly Perdue, didn’t like said budget.  So, she vetoed it.

The state senate has a veto proof majority; the house, not so much.

But tonight the governor was told that she must obey the will of the people.  Her veto was overruled in the house and will be sent to the senate.

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