Tag Archives: Wisconsin

Media Bias

Each side accuses the other of media bias.  Fox gets hammered by the Left and everyone else gets hammered by the Right.

But what is it exactly, that the media does that creates this impression of bias?  What is it that strikes someone as “unfair” and “unbalanced”?

For me, it’s not the truth of the story, it’s the profile of the stories themselves.  Rachel Maddow, for example, doesn’t lie, she just doesn’t run disparaging stories against Democrats.  Hannity same but reversed.

So, here is my example of bias in the media.  A bias in an organization that I think TRIES not to be bias.

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18 – 1

And so it appears that Wisconsin Democrats find themselves in Atari.  This should not be surprising.  Either to they themselves, state democrats as a group or the nation as a whole.

By fleeing the state and preventing a quorum, the Wisconsin 14 knew, they had to KNOW, that they were setting themselves up for failure.  True, they WERE able to block the vote.  But only because it contained fiscal portions.  It isn’t rocket surgery to know all you have to do it strip out that aspect of the bill and pass it without the required 20.

There will be yelling and much nashing of teeth.  But make no mistake about it, the Wisconsin 14 brought this on themselves.

How Much Do Teachers Make?

As Wisconsin rolls on and other states join the fray, a common diversion from the battles over collective bargaining is that of teacher salaries.

Often the debate touches on the salaries of teachers.  Do public school teachers make the same or not as their private school peers?  It can be hard to tell.  But then I stumbled on this post from Mark Perry over at Carpie Diem.

Here is the money shot:

Amazing isn’t it?

First, let’s take a look at some numbers.

  1. First year teachers are bringing home 42k a year.  Yowza!
  2. Public school teachers NEVER make less than 27% more than private teachers.
  3. A first year public teacher makes the same amount as a 25 year private school teacher.

Look, $42,000 isn’t a lot of money.  And neither is $65,000 after 30 years in.  But it ain’t bad either.  And don’t forget, the public school teachers are gettin’ health insurance, pensions and tenure.

A pretty good gig.

More Proof Unions Suck Money

If there is a better way to sum up the impact and effect of Unions on their host?  If so, I don’t see it.

But this just about is as close as it gets:

The Wisconsin Department of Administration estimates it could cost the state $8 million to restore the Capitol to its pre-protest condition, Wisconsin media are reporting. The estimate includes $500,000 to remove adhesive from taped posters, $1 million to repair the structure’s exterior and $6.5 million for rebuffing the interior marble.

The Unionista, while not working to protest the state has managed to cost that state $8 million American.  Just for being there.  Forget the cost they have incurred by missing work.

* Spit *

Words Have Meanings


Words conjure imagery.  And those images are powerful powerful things.  And people should know that, especially powerful people that write things like laws.

But somehow it doesn’t surprise me when that powerful lawmaker who doesn’t know these things is one Charles Rangel.

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Sarah Palin and Unions

Okay, okay, ya know the joke about Democrats wantin’ Sarah Palin to run for President…..?

That’s how I feel about Barack Hussein Obama siding with the Democrats in Wisconsin:

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 25% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of this tactic [fleeing the state to avoid a vote], while 67% disapprove.

Oh, gawd, oh Pah-leeze, Obama come out and side with the Democrats in Wisconsin!  PLEASE!

Unions: The Other Side of the Story

Some time ago, a ruling allowed corporations to contribute to political campaigns as individuals do.  That is, they can.

In fact, not only can they contribute, but they can actually take out advertising for these political campaigns.  Just like individuals.

And the Left went nuts.

But check this out:

Even more important than the money unions give directly to candidates, the Senate leader said, is the cash the unions spend on their own buying TV and radio ads in support of Democrats. By his count, Fitzgerald said the Wisconsin Education Association Council, the state teachers union, dropped nearly $1.6 million in independent spending in four Senate races last fall.

In addition, two national unions – AFSCME and the Service Employees International Union – gave more than $1.3 million since 2008 to the Greater Wisconsin Committee, a liberal group that advocates on behalf of Democratic candidates.

Nice, huh?

And while corporations tend to give in rather equal amounts, Unions give upwards of 94-100% to Democrats.

Just sayin’.

Collective Bargaining and Test Scores

Labor strife continues to captivate the nation as Democrat lawmakers in Wisconsin are hiding out.  Similar actions have taken place in Indiana with their Democrat lawmakers heading to Illinois as well.  Votes are either underway or are being considered in a number of other states.

The movement is afoot.

But is it worth it? Continue reading

Wherein Pino Channels Barack Obama

Sometime ago a young President wannabe uttered the fateful words:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

In the spirit of that cooperation, I offer you my plan on dealing with the Wisconsin situation.

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Obama And Unions

In what is clearly a state issue, President Obama has decided he needs to weigh in on the proposed legislation in Wisconsin.

Long a fan and powerful ally of unions in general, it is no surprise that Obama would come out in favor of the specific debate in Wisconsin.

Further adding to the list of non-surprises is his choice of words and his tactic of rhetoric.

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