Tag Archives: Wisconsin

Behold the Gentle Unionista

Much gnashing of teeth has been made over the fact that the Right Wing engages in violent and aggressive rhetoric.  Hand in hand with that is the concept that the Left Wing is a bunch of gentle lambs seeking peace and love and overall gentleness.

Behold said gentleness:

Fire. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

Behold The Unionista

These are teachers.

These are people who teach our children to love learning.  To respect others.  To play nice.

And this is what we get:  From Althouse

Unions!  Fire every single one of these union workers that called in sick to protest!

Unions: The Beginning of the Beginning?

One thing is true.  Unions increase unemployment and raise the cost of goods.


The modern concept of Union is able to accomplish this by the force of sword and gun.  Laws have been passed that allow Unions to access the police force of the state to intervene on the Union’s behalf.  With this access, the Unions are able to negotiate benefits for themselves that would not otherwise be possible in a relationship between two parties.  In short, the Union uses legal coercion to obtain their benefits.

And this increases unemployment and raises the cost of good above what they otherwise would be.

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And This Is Rationing “Care”

In the private sector, a service is something that is meant to be maximized; made better.  This in an effort to lure more and more people into purchasing you r product – your service.

When the government is doing a service it take monopoly share of the market.  It’s illegal for FedEx and UPS to deliver packages to a mailbox [ a mailbox that I purchase by the way ].  The government licenses cars.  Issues driver’s license.  The government educates our kids.  All of it, they mandate .

But the service they provide turns from something that is meant to be grown and made better to something that is meant to be minimized and made cheaper.


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Two Big Democratic Seats Could Be In Trouble

I’ve been tracking the Senate races here.  Many races are tight, some are blow-outs.  But it sure has been fun to watch.

Through it all, I have been sure that California and Wisconsin would hold serve for the Democrats.  Barbara Boxer in California is wildly popular as is Feingold in Wisconsin.

However, things might be changin’!

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Senate Race 2010: III

I have covered the open seats.  Those currently held by Democrats and those held by Republicans.  So far, I have it D-57 and R-43.

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