Okay, so, I like to engage in debate. Most especially I enjoy debating people that I tend to disagree with. I suspect that this has to do with the fact that there is little to gain in debating someone you actually see eye to eye with. This creates a condition where I only really interact with people who are not necessarily open to my point of view.
However, most of the time, I stress most, I engage with people who “put it out there”. That is, I’ll engage people through this media. Blogs, chat rooms or even Facebook. I typically don’t engage friends, I try not to at least, family, or co-workers. Each to their own in their own daily lives.
So, when I see Occupy Raleigh, a group of people who have banded together to make a point, I might wanna engage them. I might wanna challenge their facts, their assumptions and their solutions and conclusions. This becomes more true as they take advantage of public largess and organize in a public manner.
They protest daily. They have created a blog. They have a Facebook page.
They encourage dialogue and discourse.
But those are just words. You see, the Occupy Raleigh movement i n specific, and I suspect the type of individual involved in general, suffers dissent not at all. They will do everything, EVERYTHING, to suppress your voice, your opinion and your viewpoint unless it conforms to their ideology. The tolerant Left is a massively repressive regime when it comes to dissent.
They march in protest of CEO speaking at Universities here in Raleigh. They claim they are denied freedom of expression when they are yanked out of the room. But when it is THEIR forum, THEIR stage, and anyone tries to speak out against the mob, they shut you down.
I have long avoided confronting the Occupy Raleigh folks. Some have come here and I try to make my case; I stay away from their forums. However, the other night I decided to create a Facebook presence for Pino. I don’t mind these freaks knowing who I am, but I don’t wanna expose my Facebook community to these guys if I can help it. And I posted a ling on their wall.
It was deleted within 20 minutes.
Then I commented one of their posts. Nothing untoward, same tone I use here.
I was called a troll.
Later I defended my position and let well enough alone.
Tonight, I got an email telling me that they had replied to my post. I went to Facebook and they had deleted all of my comments and I’m now unable to post comments.
The left image is from my personal page, the right image from my Pino page.
If you dissent, you will be silenced.
This people, is how the Left rolls. It’s how they’ve ALWAYS rolled. They claim tolerance and compassion and understanding, but when those same qualities are demanded of them, they balk and and refuse. They censor, the repress, the silence and they are brutal in the totality of it.
These people don’t represent the 99%. They don’t wanna hear open and honest debate. They aren’t about new ideas. These people are Marxists. They are Stateists. These people are hard core Liberal actors bent on changing the way in which America was created. They don’t like risk and reward. They don’t appreciate Individual Liberty.
These organizations are damage. And reasonable people route around damage.