Tag Archives: California

We Dropped the Bomb 66 Years Ago: Look What Happened

Several days ago my friend over at Rational Republican posted about the plight of California.  A once great state relegated to the backwaters of the nation.

After years of continued liberal policies, the state that may very well have been the economic powerhouse of the nation is instead hemorrhaging people, earners and businesses.

It’s sad.

To put it into words, consider the years following the bombing of Japan.

See what the difference is between a pro-growth and pro-liberal mindset.

Consider Hiroshima and Detroit.

RR, you have to move.

The Cost Of Labor

How much does it cost to hire someone?  Or, better asked is this:

What has to be true in order to hire someone?

For many who champion “worker’s rights” the lesson is becoming crystal clear.

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Going Green Stinks


It really stinks:

San Francisco’s big push for low-flow toilets has turned into a multimillion-dollar plumbing stink.

Skimping on toilet water has resulted in more sludge backing up inside the sewer pipes, said Tyrone Jue, spokesman for the city Public Utilities Commission. That has created a rotten-egg stench near AT&T Park and elsewhere, especially during the dry summer months.


Too much water spent on sanitation?  Reduce and you get less sanitary sanitation.

The cost of making it more sanitary?

The city has already spent $100 million over the past five years to upgrade its sewer system and sewage plants…

Anyone have any idea how “green” an extra $100 million is?

In Good Shape

Out with the new. In with the old.

So, something happened to me today that sent shivers down my spine.  Something so horrible I couldn’t even bring myself to tell my family.  I was left all alone, in the dark, all by myself.

Did I say I was alone?

And in the dark?

That’s cause the light bulb in the lamp on my night stand went out!

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Only in the Mind of a Liberal

Only to a fool does it make sense to allow someone to choose to kill a baby but not allow that SAME someone to choose to buy a toy with your McNuggets.

When Women Say They Support Women, They Mean They Support Democrats

The National Organization for Women.

Blessed organization.  Right?

I mean, from their own missions statement:

Since its founding in 1966, NOW’s goal has been to take action to bring about equality for all women. NOW works to eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society; secure abortion, birth control and reproductive rights for all women; end all forms of violence against women; eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia; and promote equality and justice in our society.

Pretty good stuff.  For the record, NOW and I are in step on their stated issue pretty much 1 for 1.  I mean, who doesn’t wanna discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society?

Nobody.  Noble goals indeed.

So, given that this organization of women is looking to promote equality and justice in our society, who do you think they support for Governor of California?

1.  Meg Whitman.  Successful CEO.    Woman.

2.  Jerry Brown.  Unsuccessful politician.  Man.

Easy, right?

OAKLAND – In recognition of his consistent support for women’s equality and reproductive freedom, the PAC for the National Organization for Women’s California chapter today announced its strong support for Jerry Brown for Governor and condemned Republican candidate Meg Whitman’s treatment of women in the workplace and her failure to support a woman’s right to choose.



You have GOTTA be kidding me.

Given the choice between a vibrant,powerful and successful woman, NOW endorses the man.

Maybe it’s Whitman’s stance on abortion?  Let’s see:

“I am pro-choice. Personally, I don’t want to take the choice away from women and their doctors. The U.S. Supreme Court has fully established a woman’s right to choose. I do however support reducing the number of abortions in America and believe there are limits that can be put in place to achieve this objective. I believe for minors parental consent should be required.”

They lied!

But that’s not all Jerry Brown has done:

Brown left a voice mail for a Los Angeles police union representative in September. When his voice message ended, a private conversation ensued at Brown’s end, but the call didn’t disconnect at the union end of the line, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Brown, currently California’s attorney general, was talking about public safety pensions and the possibility of losing police endorsements to Whitman because he wouldn’t promise not to pinch them.

“Do we want to put an ad out? . . . That I have been warned if I crack down on pensions . . . that they’ll go to Whitman, and that’s where they’ll go, because they know Whitman will give ’em, will cut them a deal, but I won’t,” Brown can be heard saying.

Then someone — it’s not clear who — says, “What about saying she’s a whore?” Well, Brown says, “I’m going to use that. It proves you’ve cut a secret deal to protect pensions.”

Nice.  Whore.

Now, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for NOW to continue to support Brown.  Right?


“Meg Whitman could be described as ‘a political whore.’ Yes, that’s an accurate statement,” Bellasalma, President of California NOW,  said.

Amazing.  The female President of a National Women’s Organization calls the woman in the campaign a whore.

NOW has never been an organization that supports women.  NOW is a liberal, feminist partisan organization made up of women.  But I could have got that had I read THIS part of their Mission Statement:

The National Organization for Women (NOW) is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States.



News Outlet vs. Communication Department

I suspect the media is much like everyone else; you get on board a winner.

For example, a study found that while it may appear that money wins elections, it’s really a winner that wins money.

But they dispute the commonly held assumption that the spending causes the win. Instead they point out that anticipated win – or possible win – will often attract the campaign money. When candidates obtain large amounts of money it is usually because they are seen to be the best candidate or the one mostly likely to win. Based on Levitt’s study of campaign spending by the same candidates against the same competitors over decades of US congressional elections, it was found that ‘the amount of money spent by the candidates hardly matters at all. A winning candidate can cut his spending in half and lose only 1% of the vote. Meanwhile, a losing candidate who doubles his spending can expect to shift the vote in his favor by only that same 1%’. The Freakonomics authors conclude that campaign spending has a very small impact on election outcomes, regardless of who does the spending.

To expect the media top act any better is, well, perhaps unfair.

But jeez…

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The Upside to Paying Taxes in California

Serious.  There seems to be an upside.

California is going broke.  And how.

They tax the rich out of their state.  They tax the businesses out of their state.  They’ll tax anything that moves and now, they’ll tax half of that stuff that doesn’t.

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When the Church Says It’s Okay…

I think we’re seeing a sweeping change in how we view our gay and lesbian neighbors and friends.  Finally.

We’re seeing more and more calls for acceptance.  We’re seeing main stream acceptance in the work place and in the government.

And finally, we’re seeing laws changed to recognize the civil rights of all people.

And even the churches are coming around.

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Liberty Dances

Everywhere Liberty is forced into hiding.

From the Left and, in California, from the Right.

Today, she has loosened the bonds restricting her a little more.

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