San Francisco’s big push for low-flow toilets has turned into a multimillion-dollar plumbing stink.
Skimping on toilet water has resulted in more sludge backing up inside the sewer pipes, said Tyrone Jue, spokesman for the city Public Utilities Commission. That has created a rotten-egg stench near AT&T Park and elsewhere, especially during the dry summer months.
Too much water spent on sanitation? Reduce and you get less sanitary sanitation.
The cost of making it more sanitary?
The city has already spent $100 million over the past five years to upgrade its sewer system and sewage plants…
Anyone have any idea how “green” an extra $100 million is?
I read that and just started laughing. Does one think that decision had anything to do with actual thought, or entirely to do with political appearance and greasing palms in that Great State? (wonder who the “upgrades” were being done by, wonder how cozy the major plumbing fixture people were with the policymakers, etc.) Or why not do upgrades first, new toilets second? Oh, right, they likely had union guys on the job who put the task 5 months behind schedule in between their coffee breaks and sleeping on the job.
My relatives at home in NV and had a cheap, one-man-op plumber to their house a year ago who warned them of low water volume in the sewer lines. If a no-name plumber can anticipate that problem, surely entire engineering teams and committees can as well. Ridiculous.
Since we’re on the topic of toilets and what gets flushed down them, our buddy BH just called a war vet (SPH) a “sick mind”, a “liar”, and a “disgrace to the country.” If anything should be flushed down a toilet, it’s that guy’s head.
Does one think that decision had anything to do with actual thought, or entirely to do with political appearance and greasing palms in that Great State?
This whole green thing is political. No one denies that you should use CFL where you don’t mind the light sucking. But to ban incandescent in the name of polar bears is silly.
If a no-name plumber can anticipate that problem, surely entire engineering teams and committees can as well. Ridiculous.
If anything should be flushed down a toilet, it’s that guy’s head.
I’ve realized that a long time ago.
Just updated the 10 Commandments of a Sane Political Blogger on my site. Check out 1.1! 🙂
It is important to protect the environment and conserve natural resources, yet the methods used are often not “Green” at all. Buses come to mind. It is true that a bus full of riders is more green than 60 people driving 60 different cars, but when was the last time that you saw a full buss? Most times the big buss has less than 10 riders. How much fuel is wasted to stop that big bus just to pick up one more passenger? I know the concept of mass transit has merits, but just like the low-flow toilet situation, it is not really green until it actually works. It is not yet working.
I know the concept of mass transit has merits, but just like the low-flow toilet situation, it is not really green until it actually works. It is not yet working.
I totally agree.
I actually side WITH the greenies that mass transit is better, if, IF, people wanna use it. So far, they don’t.
To try and trick us into thinking that they will is frustrating.
Speaking of mass transit. This from National Review. In 1956 President Eisenhower pushed the interstate highway system through Congress. Construction and maintenance for the highways is funded by the federal gasoline tax. With our ever more fuel efficient vehicles that revenue is down. By the way, how do electric cars pay for roads ? But I digress.
The real problem is that these dedicated monies keep getting siphoned off for left wing do gooder green bull crap. In 1970 trust fund money went to bus lanes and park and ride lots. Money was again stolen for the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 , which created a mass -transit account . The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency act of 1991 funded recreation trails, bike paths, etc. from the trust fund. National Review says in 2009 27% of high way trust fund spending went to non high way uses.
Gee, I wonder why our roads and bridges all falling apart ? Whenever you put a pile of tax money in front of Liberals the steal it for everything under the Sun, except what it was originally for.
Gee, I wonder why our roads and bridges all falling apart ?
I often challenge the Left on that. They claim that we should offer yet another stimulus to rebuild our infrastructure and create jobs. My answer to them is that the money for those projects is already in place–where is it?