Category Archives: Republicans Can Be Leftists Too

Republicans Misunderstand Their Mandate

It was very very clear; the nation said “No” to Democrat big government style liberalism.

Republicans were voted in more to send a message of what type of government we DIDN’T want than to say which big government version of government we DID want.

And already we have Republicans acting like Democrats.

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We Did NOT Elect Republicans to Act Like Democrats!

Yo!  North Carolina Republicans [and, frankly, Republicans everywhere] we did NOT elect you to run around thinking that you can just treat people any ol’ way ya want.

Be consistent with the concepts of Liberty.

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Shooting Themselves In The Foot: Hope It Hurts Edition


THAT is what we stand for.

Or, at least, what we should stand for.

Which makes me cringe and cry out in frustration when the Right is wrong.

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The Problem With Knee Jerk Reactions: Other Than The Jerk

We knew it wasn’t gonna take long.  As shock and horror melted away into grief, which in turn melted into rejoicing, we have time to reflect on the impacts of this tragedy.

Because they are elected to “do the people’s business”, our elected officials are going to feel obligated to do just that.

To be sure, folks are gonna line up and voice their complaint, their grievance, their solution.  And they’re gonna say, like everyone before them, “Restrict more rights!”

Except they won’t say it like that.

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The John Tedesco Affair

We’ve gotten a bunch of attention lately.  None of it very good.

Wake County has had its name drug through the mud, both here in the county, elsewhere about the state and then nationally on the Colbert Show.

For this week, we’ve become a laughing-stock.

At the center of it all seems to be one individual; John Tedesco.

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When They’re Right They’re Right

Only caught a little bit of the boys from Greensboro this morning.  What I did hear caught me by surprise.

I’m accustomed to the typical view from the Left with a bit of arrogance thrown in for spice; that’s my breakfast.  But this morning I found myself agreeing with ’em.  And twice!

They began the hour discussing the House Republicans promise to reduce spending by $100 billion dollars in the first year.  Since they’ve won and especially as they begin to take office, they’ve scaled that back by half, and possibly even more.  Some folks have ’em saying that they’ll only be able to achieve $30 billion.

1 word for ’em:


We didn’t do what we did to get you in office to act like Democrats  at worst and old-time Republicans like best.  You stood there, looked us in the eye and PROMISED us you would cut spending this first year.

This nonsense that we’re half way through the budget year ain’t cuttin’ it.  Either you were so shortsighted to NOT know that was the case or you DID know and know you’re just shinin’ me.  Either case gives me pause for concern.

Cut the spending.

Okay, that felt good.  Now, the second case we agreed this morning came during a conversation surrounding social security.  We all know it’s not sustainable.  A combination of all the money being spent AND the fact that we are gonna retire a ton of people in the coming years means we just don’t have the money.  And we’re gonna have to change the way we pay out.

During the conversation, Britt offered the insight that no one is able to make suggestions with respect to social security because the election ads will demonize him for “cutting social security benefits”.  Further, Britt acknowledged that that strategy is one that has been perfected by Democrats.

Wow.  I couldn’t believe it.  It was nice to hear.

Keep it up fellas!

In Good Shape

Out with the new. In with the old.

So, something happened to me today that sent shivers down my spine.  Something so horrible I couldn’t even bring myself to tell my family.  I was left all alone, in the dark, all by myself.

Did I say I was alone?

And in the dark?

That’s cause the light bulb in the lamp on my night stand went out!

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Funny To Watch

I am hard on Democrats.  And to be fair, I should really be more clear and rail against Liberals.  After all, I am SURE there are some decent minded Democrats out there.  The problem is, however, that Democrats are forced to keep supporting Liberals….and THAT makes me look at ’em sideways.

Anyway, the recent TSA hullaballu has me laughing at people.  And in this case, I’m mostly laughing at the Right.

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Republicans Can Be Leftists Too: Part II

Continuing on the theme that Republicans Can Be Leftists Too is the latest installment.  And the guilty party?  None other than the Left’s favorite bloviator Sean Hannity.

I have been late in posting on this topic, and really, I should have been on top of it from the time it hit.

The subject?

The proposed mosque in New York City near the site of ground zero.

Republicans?  Against it.

Me?  Bad form.  But if they wanna build it, they should be allowed.

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Save Marriage

I’m so very tired of the Left restricting Liberty wherever she shows her face.  I’m further dismayed when the Right does it as well:

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