Category Archives: Immigration

Arizona: Full Court Press

The bill just passed into law was enough to fire up the Left, wait until they see the NEW legislation coming down the road.

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The State of the State of Arizona

Arizona has really shook up the dialogue in America right now.  They are ground zero not only in the crossing of immigrants from South America into North America, but they are now ground zero for the solution.  I’m not sure if Arizona was honestly trying to protect herself or if Arizona passed this law in an effort to set fire under America.  Either way, the effect is the same.  America has noticed.

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Where Liberty Clashes With Liberty: A Study of the Leftist

So, what is Liberty? What is a “human-right”? People say all kinds of things are human-rights. In fact,in many nations, more and more things are becoming human-rights.

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Republicans vs. Democrats

Wanna know where your neighbor is?  Wanna see where America is moving?  Check this out.

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What You Will Never Hear On Main Stream Media

The other day a story broke about the Texas man that requested his Latino employees to Anglicize their names.

The tough-talking former Marine immediately laid down some new rules. Among them, he forbade the Hispanic workers at the run-down, Southwestern adobe-style hotel from speaking Spanish in his presence (he thought they’d be talking about him), and ordered some to Anglicize their names.

No more Martin (Mahr-TEEN). It was plain-old Martin. No more Marcos. Now it would be Mark.

Not sure where I fall on this one.  I mean, jeez.  On the other hand, he has a point.  If a customer can’t understand your name, it makes it hard to relate to that customer.  Maybe he should have made it clear that he was going to have the employees change their names when he hired them; I don’t know.  But what I DO know is this clip from CNN is awesome.

Just listen to the females reporter’s voice as she “interviews” this guy.  Her tone is simply dripping with intent and scorn.  Then listen as Rick Sanchez weighs in.  I’ll tell ya this much; the Main Stream Media will NEVER play this for you!

North Carolina Allows Illegal Aliens into Community Colleges

Recently the North Carolina Board of Community Colleges voted to allow illegal aliens to enroll in our community colleges.  I strongly agree with this stance.  Independent of your legal status in this country, the more educated our communities are, the better off our communities will be.  Research has shown that as the education level of a group goes up, the impact to the community in which they lives is more and more positive.

Further, I don’t understand why we would choose this one product to draw the line in the sand.  For example, we don’t prevent illegal aliens from buying groceries.  Or gasoline.  Or clothes.  Why would we exclude those folks from the one thing that may actually result in them trying to become legal?  I mean, if a person who is here illegally takes the time, the effort and the cost to go to school, almost certainly that person is going to want to reap the rewards of that education.  That is going to mean obtaining a job with pay commensurate to the education level.  And that, in turn, is going to result in them wanting to obtain legal status.  And THAT is what we want.  We want people who come here, want to study and sacrifice and then go to work in our communities.  And anything that we can do to make that easier, we should be doing.

Good for the North Carolina Board of Community Colleges.


Immigration.  Illegal immigration.  These are words that cause our politicians to pause.  They should.  It is my opinion that immigration is one of the few issues that has caused many many people to shy away from the current iteration of the Republican Party.  I don’t know why we, as conservatives, are taking such a hard line on this one.  Especially when I think that we are wrong.  And more especially because I think a lot of people feel that same way I do.

This past Tuesday, the N&O published an article on Chatham’s unwillingness to have it’s officers participate in the ICE program.

…a federal program that would allow local law enforcement officers to enforce federal immigration laws.

Chatham officials are concerned about such participation and expressed themselves very well:

Enforcement of ICE agreements can lead to violations of civil rights and liberties, distrust of law enforcement, the separation of family members and racial profiling,

As a conservative, I think that we are wrong on illegal immigration in general and ICE in specific.   We have people all over the globe trying to come to the United States.  These folks bring with them a love of freedom and will also bring a love of their new country.  These people are the kinds of people we want.  These are the folks that have taken a good hard look at there position and have found that they may be able to do better for themselves and their families by sacrificing.  By giving up the life they currently have for one in the United States.  Almost always these are the types of people that bring with them a work ethic that is strong.  They bring a willingness to participate and interact.  In short, these people are DO’ERS!  They are not get along’ers.

Because we have a situation where both parties feel they will gain, we should make the process to become a citizen easier.  This business of 9+ years to become a citizen is incredibly inefficient and needless.  The only thing that you need to know about the process is that it is the government that is in charge of it.  Any good conservative will tell you that a program run by Uncle Sam is one that is inefficient.  So, this creates a situation where people are in the country illegally.  Except for their legal status, they are critical and productive members of society.  They are winning and we are winning.

For the specifics of ICE, well, immigration and the illegal entry of people into our country is a Federal matter.  This should be handled by Federal Agents; not local police forces.  To think that the feds can just push down the responsibility to the local and often times struggling police force is not fair, and not how the whole system of jurisdiction works.  Further, Chatham has it right.  A community has to trust it’s police team.  It has to trust it’s officers, their supervisors and the chief himself.  The whole system has to be trusted.  And it can’t be for exactly the reasons Chatham pointed out.

We have to get this one right.  We can not afford to take every opposite positions that the Democrats through at us.  When they are wrong, oppose them and run on that platform.  But when they are right, then take their idea, make it better, do it better and run on THAT platform. How does that ol’ jingle go?

Anything you can do I can do better; I can do everything better than you!