Recently the North Carolina Board of Community Colleges voted to allow illegal aliens to enroll in our community colleges. I strongly agree with this stance. Independent of your legal status in this country, the more educated our communities are, the better off our communities will be. Research has shown that as the education level of a group goes up, the impact to the community in which they lives is more and more positive.
Further, I don’t understand why we would choose this one product to draw the line in the sand. For example, we don’t prevent illegal aliens from buying groceries. Or gasoline. Or clothes. Why would we exclude those folks from the one thing that may actually result in them trying to become legal? I mean, if a person who is here illegally takes the time, the effort and the cost to go to school, almost certainly that person is going to want to reap the rewards of that education. That is going to mean obtaining a job with pay commensurate to the education level. And that, in turn, is going to result in them wanting to obtain legal status. And THAT is what we want. We want people who come here, want to study and sacrifice and then go to work in our communities. And anything that we can do to make that easier, we should be doing.
Good for the North Carolina Board of Community Colleges.
Hear, Hear!
I agree with the noted positive externality of an educated society. I think where the debates comes in is the fact that community colleges are pretty much government subsidized education. Analyzing cost-benefit of the illegal alien population obtaining tax payers funding is wherein the disagreements are.
-I just found your blog from a link in one of your comments on another site. Consider me a follower.
ommunity colleges are pretty much government subsidized education. Analyzing cost-benefit of the illegal alien population obtaining tax payers funding is wherein the disagreements are.
I agree. Citizens should have first shot at seats in class. If there is room, I think it just makes sense to let anyone in.
Thanks for reading and welcome!