Category Archives: Diplomacy

Silence For You – Tolerance For Me

Pastors Terry Jones and Wayne Sapp are loathsome individuals to be sure.  It’s one thing to hold a belief, to claim faith and ardently follow your heart and spirit through the religion you choose.  But to purposely insult, demean and antagonize another set of beliefs is simply horrible.

Further, it’s inconsistent with the message of most mainline religions.  As a Christian I practice patience, tolerance and love of my neighbors.  Even my enemies.  As such, even if, and I certainly don’t hold this belief, but even if those of another religion were my “enemy” I find consistency in the Lords commandment to “love thy enemy”.

To burn the most Holy Book of Islam is an insult that goes too far.

With that said, I am finding the inconsistency in response appalling.

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And Cut In 3 – 2 – 1 …..

Okay, so, Obama decided that we had to support the Western coalition that wanted to offer air cover to the rebels in Libya.  I think I’m alright with that.  I remain okay with that even though I have friends who are against that very action.

However, we sent our dog into that fight with the explicit expectation that we were gonna simply remove the ability of the government mow down it’s people using airplanes and helicopters.

More and more we are seeing the scope of the mission increase until finally today we see this:

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday.

I don’t like Obama, never have.  However, I have tried to find aspects of his governing that I can accept; Libya was one.  But by signing these secret orders I can’t defend his actions.  I can’t say that he is acting with that “global coalition” that gave him some moral standing.

If you wanna take out a leader of a corrupt State – have at it.  Just say it.  Plain and simple.  So simple that maybe even a real  life guy in Texas could understand.

My Take On Libya

We’re pushing two weeks now in the US involvement in Libya.  I’ve tried to resist from commenting on the situation because I really wanted to make sure my opinion was more my thoughts and feelings rather than a partisan message surrounding Obama.

I’m not going to get into the constitutionality of what took place.  I’m convinced that either:

  1. It IS constitutional
  2. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t

Either way, we’re over there and involved.  For better or for worse.

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For Better For Worse

Look, I get it.  Some of us are okay with military action in order to protect our interests.  Others, not so much.

Some folks would like the US to lead in International affairs.  Again, others would rather we took a more passive role and involve ourselves only insomuch as we are part of a larger coalition.

Be that as it may, we are seeing, and will continue to see, how a world reacts with America acting as a partner, not a leader.

As an aside, I am curious.  Can anyone describe the substantial difference in Libya breaking one single UN resolution that makes force okay while Iraq breaking multiple UN resolutions did not justify force?

Quid pro Quo

For every decision there is a consequence.

Every action, they say an equal but opposite reaction.  Not acting is, in a way, a decision.

I wonder how the Left feels about military assistance now?

AJDABIYAH, Libya — Moammar Gadhafi’s jets bombed Libyan rebel strongholds on Monday, aiding a counter-offensive that has pushed insurgents 100 miles eastward in a week…

Behind rebel lines, Libyan planes bombed Ajdabiyah on Monday, the only sizeable town between Brega and the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. From Ajdabiyah there are roads to Benghazi and to Tobruk to the east, which could allow Gadhafi’s troops to encircle Benghazi.

An indication on how far to the left the US has moved?

France pressed for a no-fly zone “as fast as possible.”

France.  France is calling for a stronger military action than we are.

And what happens as we continue to allow this to continue?

There is now a very real possibility that by the time world powers agree on a response to the conflict in Libya, Gadhafi’s forces may already have won.

Look.  I’m all for lettin’ the world burn.  And I’l all for steppin’ in a helpin’ out.  But either way, we’re ALL in or ALL out.

Just sayin’.

Wherein Pino Channels Barack Obama

Sometime ago a young President wannabe uttered the fateful words:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

In the spirit of that cooperation, I offer you my plan on dealing with the Wisconsin situation.

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Obama And Unions

In what is clearly a state issue, President Obama has decided he needs to weigh in on the proposed legislation in Wisconsin.

Long a fan and powerful ally of unions in general, it is no surprise that Obama would come out in favor of the specific debate in Wisconsin.

Further adding to the list of non-surprises is his choice of words and his tactic of rhetoric.

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Obama and Egypt

So, more interesting to me than the events occurring in Egypt will be how President Obama handles it.

On one hand, Egypt is a key ally in the region.  And, like him or not, the current President of Egypt is likely the best option as far as a government is concerned.

However, the community organizer in him must be screaming out in support of these people.  It sounds like they are protesting for their rights, for their jobs and for fairer wages.  ALL things that our current leader embraces to his very core.

Will he support the protesters or the President?

Time will tell.

The Filibuster

We see what happens when a House of Congress has a significant hold on the majority.  And we see it when the part line is at its strongest; we get the US House of Representatives.  A powerful and respected body to be sure, but one that moves so fast and with such little input by the minority it can be dizzying.

If the partisanship is bad enough and/or the majority strong enough, the minority, in some cases, may not even need bother show up.

So we have the filibuster.  To calm the rushing tide of the majority.  To protect the nation from the tyranny of the majority.  To that end, it has served it’s purpose for a long long time.

But the time may have come to change the rules.

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Election Eve – Good Times

It may be easy to say this year.  After all, the indications are that the Republicans are going to have a massive success.

That being said.  No matter what happens tomorrow, it is truly an amazing country we live in.

In all likely hood, we’ll be seeing a regime change right before our eyes.  Not one bullet will be shot.  Not one drop of blood dropped.


With that said:

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