Monthly Archives: March 2012

Democrat Women Silent On Liberal Slurs

I posted earlier about the fact that liberals don’t expect themselves, themselves as an identified “group” to live up a certain level of values.  The individual and specific father of three 4 who teaches school and considers himself a devote Christian?  Does he have, and live by, values?  Sure.

Same for the soccer mom who volunteers at the hospital, organizes fund raisers for charities and contributes to others and considers herself a lifelong liberal?  Her?  Is she an example of a person living a “values-based” life?  Sure.

But it ends there.  As a group, there is no demand that values be important.

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When They Say “The Do Nothing Congress” Remember They Are Talking About Democrats

The price of gas is goin’ nuts.  Jobs are only barely beginning to come back.  We need help in both arenas.  We need more and more stable sources of oil.  We need to reduce the amount of oil that we obtain from unstable sources and increase the amount of oil that we obtain from stable ones.

We need to rely on Canada, on Mexico.  We need to rely more on ourselves.

And when we can accomplish that with the added benefit of creating jobs, all the better.

But the DNC won’t allow it.

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War On Drugs Is Lost: Time To Acknowledge And Move On

Pat Robertson has long been a champion of the “moral majority.”  He’s an evangelical’s evangelical.

So when Pat says it’s time to legalize pot you know the time has come:

Of the many roles Pat Robertson has assumed over his five-decade-long career as an evangelical leader — including presidential candidate and provocative voice of the right wing — his newest guise may perhaps surprise his followers the most: marijuana legalization advocate.

“I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol,” Mr. Robertson said in an interview on Wednesday. “I’ve never used marijuana and I don’t intend to, but it’s just one of those things that I think: this war on drugs just hasn’t succeeded.”

Mr. Robertson’s remarks echoed statements he made last week on “The 700 Club,” the signature program of his Christian Broadcasting Network, and other comments he made in 2010. While those earlier remarks were largely dismissed by his followers, Mr. Robertson has now apparently fully embraced the idea of legalizing marijuana, arguing that it is a way to bring down soaring rates of incarceration and reduce the social and financial costs.

“I believe in working with the hearts of people, and not locking them up,” he said.

Just goes to show ya that when we say “conservative” we mean “classic liberalism.”

Of Liberals And Conservatives: Rush and Maher

Rush stepped in it.

I know he’s an entertainer.  I know he’s just a commentator looking for ratings.  I know he likes to lambaste.

But there’s a line; he crossed it.

What I find interesting isn’t that Rush crossed that line or the hot water he’s now in, that’s predictable and this’ll pass.  What I find interesting is the standard that liberals have of themselves.

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Another Ohio Primary: Dennis Kucinich

In a night dominated by the republican presidential nomination there is another primary race being decided.  That of democrat Dennis Kucinich.

Remember, just last cycle the man was running for President.  Today he’s lost his bid to be the democrat candidate for the House of Representatives.

Just another example of the positive  impact of the republican wins in 2010.  Mr. Kucinich faced a democrat challenger only because districts were remapped as a result of those 2010 elections.

The Price Of Gas: What Can We Do

Obama is faced with rising gasoline prices.  And as we head into an election year he is going to be asked what he’s gonna do about it.  His answer, I suspect, is that there is little a President can do to influence the price of gasoline.  The market dictates the price and that market is fed by the forces of supply and demand.

And, because it IS an election year, he’s going to demonize the “oil speculators” and claim that they are getting rich while the middle class is getting hammered.  Count on it.

But is that the real story?  Is it fair to let Obama skate on this issue so easily?


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Why Progressives Can’t Get Anything Done

No one else is liberal:

No serious thinker is liberal.  Strike that.

Plenty of thinkers are liberal.

No serious do’er is liberal.

Quote Of The Year

Quote of the year so far:

I wonder if Rick Santorum will continue to have sex with his wife after she experiences menopause.

Neal Boortz

Teacher Evaluations: An Interesting Take On Value Add

Recently New York city published the results of a three year study on teacher’s scores.  The scores are based on the value-add mentality.  This is the idea that a teacher can influence a student in their class and the measurement of this value is tracked by how well a student does on tests in the years following having had that teacher in class.  From the perspective of someone who works in an industry that tries very very hard to measure the intangibles, I think this is a very clever method of determining impact.

Predictably the teachers and the teacher unions are objecting.  And the range of reasons is fascinating.

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Obama And Netanyahu: What Obama Should Say

Right now, the President of the United States of America is meeting with Israel’s Binyamin Netanyahu.  These two world leaders are going to discuss how they will act and react to Iran’s growing nuclear threat.

Here are some thoughts on what Obama should say:

Our nation has been involved in 2 wars for the better part of 10 tears.  We entered Iraq and Afghanistan with clear, measurable and smart goals; disrupt the Taliban in Afghan and topple Saddam in Iraq.  In both cases I supported the action and in both cases we achieved our goal.  Sadly, in both cases we failed to win the “after.”

And the horror of losing the after is a nightmare.

In Iran there is no such easy goal, rather some nebulous idea or gut reaction to an idea.  Iran getting nuclear technology.

It is my feeling that if we bomb them or if we don’t, the day will dawn with a nuclear Tehran.  The only thing that we can control is if we’ll endure another “after” or not.

Given that Iran will obtain the technology and the ability, the nations of the world must work to put calm, reasonable and stable nations in a position to influence a post-nuclear nation of Iran.  If this is done through technology sharing, better trade relations, sanctions or defensive military negotiations, so be it.

What we’ll know after the meeting and reporters report is more of what Obama DIDN’T say.  He will not commit to a strike.  Neither will he commit to supporting Israel if they strike.  Lastly, the President will not rule out military action.

This is a game of nerves based on posturing, threats and non-threats.  And in games like that, firm commitments are a dangerous play.