Tag Archives: Rick Santorum

Quote Of The Year

Quote of the year so far:

I wonder if Rick Santorum will continue to have sex with his wife after she experiences menopause.

Neal Boortz

America: Obama Too Liberal

We have a long way to go, but right now, Barack Obama is fighting a trend:

After 3 years of President Obama America thinks the man is too Liberal.

Four years ago,” the poll said, “when Gallup first asked this question about Obama while he was competing for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination…37% said his views were too liberal, compared with today’s 51%.

That’s a move of 14% points.  In raw % moved, that’s 37%.

And the REAL interesting point is that more Americans [51%] feel Obama is too liberal than feel Santorum [38%] or ROmney [33] is too conservative.  Obama is more liberal than Santorum is conservative.

And Rick Santorum is C-R-A-Z-Y wrong in a whole bunch of areas.

And the number that must make us all scratch our heads?

Santorum scores the highest on “about right” between the three of them.

Herman Cain Suspends His Campaign

Some time ago I predicted that Perry wouldn’t matter and Cain would fade.  I had no idea how right I would be.

Bachmann is and has been done for a long time.  Santorum has a Google problem.  Paul is too old.

This race is now between Mitt and Newt.

Either one, for different reasons, will beat Obama.

Thoughts on the Debate

The Republicans are still going at it as I type.  However, I think that tonight marks the beginning of the end for Santorum and Bachmann.  I further think that Gingrich will begin to rise and Romney and Perry even out.