Monthly Archives: January 2012

Elections Have Consequences

More and more the election of 2010 is proving to beneficial to the Republicans.  Not only did it take away the 60 vote majority that allowed the Democrats to pass any political agenda they desired, but it also gave the House of Representatives to the Republicans.  Suddenly the Democrats were faced with having to compromise if they wanted to pass an agenda.

Gone were the antagonistic and obnoxious divisive attitudes of the new President and his lieutenants.  Gone were the days of Obama snidely remarking:

“Well, we won.”

Yes, the 2010 elections were great just because of that.  But now were seeing even more.  We’re seeing a nation with more Republican governors.  We’re seeing the awesome work that Scott Walker is doing in Wisconsin.  We’re seeing the similar work that Ohio is doing, and Florida.  Further, the state elected officials were impacted as well.  Gone were the days of a North Carolina State House being dominated by Democrats.  For the first time in 140 years the Senate and the House are controlled by Republicans.

And now, in the election of 2012, we’re seeing the benefit of that.  We’re seeing congressman decline to run:

Washington — Thirteenth District Congressman Brad Miller said Thursday that he will not run for re-election.

The five-term member of the U.S. House said North Carolina’s Republican-controlled legislature “dismantled” his district when they redrew voting maps in July.

The new maps put Miller into the 4th District with political ally and fellow Democrat David Price. Miller said he didn’t want to run against Price.

Republicans are drawing election maps.  And those maps no longer favor generations of democrats.  They are now favoring Republicans.  And high time.



Barack Obama: State Of The Union Address

I had low expectations of our President going into the State of the Union.  I admit this openly and freely.  I do not think that our President is post-partisan — “I won” anybody? — and I don’t think that he’s pro-business as everyone claims.

So, with that said, how did he do?

Well, nothing he said fell short of my expectations.  I was anticipating class warfare, I was anticipating environmental crusading, I was expecting “blame Bush.”  And he delivered.

However, he DID make the case in a number of examples where I found myself agreeing with him, if only his words, but still….

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State Of The Union: Class Warfare and Economic Fairness

I just heard the lead up to the State of the Union address.  The reporter for CBS News just mentioned that the President is going to focus on “Economic Fairness” during much of his speech tonight.  As a special guest tonight, Warren Buffet’s secretary is going to be in attendance.

This is going to be great.

That’s How Occupy Rolls

The various Occupy movements around the nation claim that they represent the 99% against the 1%.  Yet even as the 99% can’t find a place to sleep while occupying the 1%, they take advantage of those who DO shelter them

I posted some time back about the Occupy vermin who shacked up in a home in Seattle.  They literally thought that this owner owed them the place to crash in.  And destroy.  And be forced to leave.

This movement is not one of accepting lawful understanding of property, of lawful permission to protest or even lawful ability to disrupt traffic.  Rather, this movement is taking pages straight out of the left’s playbook.  Protest.  Get arrested.  Destroy property.  Shout down.  Silence opposing views.

And to demonstrate how far this movement has degraded, they will steal from and desecrate even the churches that shelter them:


A pastor was left outraged after parts of a $12,500 bronze baptismal font went missing from his church sheltering Occupy Wall Street protesters.

Rev. Bob Brashear noticed before Sunday services that parts of the font at West Park Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, New York, had vanished.

‘It was like p*****g on the 99 per cent,’ he angrily told the 60 protesters who sleep at the church every night, according to the New York Post.

A church who had agreed to shelter the Occupiers found that they very group they offered assistance to, robbed them.   And more than robbed them of “earthly” belongings, robbed them of religious artifacts as well:

The holy water from the River Jordan seemed to have been poured into the base’s bowl from the missing attachment.

It would seem that Occupy couldn’t sink any lower.  Until they did:

Rabbi Chaim Gruber, who was formerly part of the movement, claimed last week that a protester urinated on a cross in a Brooklyn church.

You won’t hear a word of this from the press.  Not a peep.  You won’t see massive segments on CNN like you did when a Christian church threatened to burn the Ko’ran.  But piss on the Christian cross?  Democratic liberal operatives?

Nothing to see here, move on.

Any semblance of a rational and legitimate movement has long ago passed.  The remnants of this group are nothing more than individuals of an ideology far and away from the mainstream of America.

Acknowledge the damage and route around it.

Running a Race

I’m gonna be running a race in March.  They call it the Tobacco Road [half] Marathon.

I’m running because I’m getting older and I’m fighting Father Time.  And I’m losing.  And I hate losing.

So I’m running.

It is my earnest desire to do better than the last race I ran in which was 5 years ago:  The Twin Cities Marathon:

I’m 4763 if you couldn’t tell.

Wish me luck!

Barack Obama: Dreams From My Father – Chapter One

I’m reading Barack Obama’s first book:  Dreams From My Father.  My goal is to try and understand the man from his own perspective, his own words.  There are a lot of people who have a lot of opinions of the man.  I think that I owe it to him and myself to see what he has to say about himself.

Chapter One:

The book begins with a college aged Obama living with his college roommate.  Obama was 21 at the time and living in New York.

Right away I’m struck at the artistry of the story telling.  Clearly the author is adept, even skilled, at the art of writing.  The flow of the words into thoughts and thoughts into images is very well done.  I won’t say powerful, it’s too early in the book to deliver a power punch, but it sets up the book nicely.

Concurrent with that artistry is the nice unexpected contrast.  In a book that is about a man and his father, the story begins with Obama’s retelling of his hearing the news that his father had passed away.  A phone call from a long lost aunt in a far away nation delivering news of a far away man.  A far away man and his passing.

With that news, the book pivots into the history, albeit a brief and cursory one, of his father, his grandfather and grandmother.  Barack Obama the elder grew up in Kenya and attended a school established by the colonial British.  Having done there, the student was invited to attend University in the United States; Hawaii to be exact.  From the opposite side, the book explores the journey of Barack’s maternal grandparents.  Their journey from Kansas to the Army, from California to back to Kansas and then Texas finally moving to Seattle.  Finally even Seattle gave way to the to final move to Hawaii.

There man and woman met, fell in love, got married and had a child.

Obama was born in Hawaii.  He spent his very early years in Hawaii.  However, not much is mentioned of those early days.  More is focused on the refined older Obama.  His British accent, his intelligence, his refined nature.  Further,  significant portion of the 1st chapter details the struggle of Obama’s grandparents confronting racism in some of the parts of their world.  There is the story of the janitor at the bank weeping with sorrow.  The story of Obama’s young mother playing with a black childhood friend and the conflict it created.  The narrative almost creates this couple, the future grandparents, as a couple expecting that their daughter would meet and marry, then give birth to, a black man.

I was a little taken back at the memories, and how they were expressed, by that Obama; 21 in college in New York:

When the weather was good, my roommate and I might sit out on the fire escape and smoke cigarettes and study the dusk washing blue over the city, or watch white people from the better neighborhoods nearby walk their dogs down our block and let the animals shit on our curbs–

The Republican part of me wanted to latch onto that; to grab it and run with it.  But I realized that life is full of the we’s and the they’s.  I remember growing up and I knew the kids with money and the kids who had even less than we did.  I remember.  And it was a they and a we.  I knew it then and it should be fair for a man who’s writing his story to relate to events in his life the same way.


Occupy Raleigh: 100 Days

How quickly 100 days come and then go.  Occupy Raleigh has been downtown at our state’s capital since October 15th, 2011.  They’ve been fighting what some might call a noble fight.  The idea that the American Dream has been taken from us, or that t has been somehow diminished by a subset of people with incredible wealth.  At some level, that rings true; and is noble.

However, from a classic leftist playbook, the Occupy crowd continued to diminish it’s credibility while showing the world it is still nothing more than a fringe group of malcontents:

Raleigh, N.C. — Two Occupy Raleigh protesters were arrested Sunday as the movement marked the 100th day since it began in October.

The group held a march around the State Capitol called “100 Reasons to Demonstrate.”

Two men were taken into custody after they refused to get out of Fayetteville Street, police said. Nicholas Alan Warren Johnson, 25, and John Christopher Pearson, 33, were both charged with impeding the flow of traffic.

March.  Demonstrate.  Say what needs to be said.  But let the world go about its business for the sake of all that’s holy.

There is simply no reason to walk in traffic just to be an ass.

But they do.  And they continue to get arrested.  And they continue to lose the dialogue.  And they continue to just not matter.



Incentives Matter: The Power Of The Entitlement Society

Incentives matter.  Obvious when stated but almost always forgotten when policy is considered.

Give away money when an individual doesn’t have a job?  A perfectly valid idea; who doesn’t wanna help those facing unexpected difficulty?

Give away food to the individual who may not have enough?  Again, absolutely warranted for those in need.

But what does it do to a society that grows up learning that to work, or not to work, often times results in the same short term result?  When the concept of individual achievement is removed, squashed?  What happens then?

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Arab Spring: Egypt

As the United States focuses on South Carolina, the world carries on.  I wonder, exactly, if this is what everyone wanted to happen in Egypt:

CAIRO — Egyptian authorities confirmed Saturday that a political coalition dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, the 84-year-old group that virtually invented political Islam, had won about 47 percent of the seats in the first Parliament elected since the ouster of Hosni Mubarak. An alliance of ultraconservative Islamists won the next largest share of seats, about 25 percent.

Interesting times to say the least.


My son turned 6 just some time ago.  I’m cruzin’ through the store stockin’ up on loot for the little guy.  I’m near done but wouldn’t mind a little stuffer; like a stocking stuffer but for birthdays.  I come across Squinkies.

How cool do THEY look.  Well, little did I know that these little things come as a game.  A simple game.  Start to finish like 3 minutes!  Perfect.

I’m hooked.

An excellent gateway drug to Dungeons and Dragons.