Tag Archives: Socialism

A Quick Study on the Impact of Taxes

Students Demanding That We Tax The Rich

The great debate of the day is The Compromise™. Or rather, what we’re gonna do about  taxes on the rich.  Obama ran on it for two years beginning in 2006.  Liberals believed; believed either that he WOULD let the Bush Tax Cuts expire or that he COULD let the Bush Tax Cuts expire.*

And he didn’t.

He neither could nor would.  And the great debate rages.

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One Day I Woke Up And Needed a Fresh Cut Pine Tree…

…about 8ft tall.  Not too much shorter, no need for a short freshly cut pine tree.  And certainly not much bigger; simple could not USE a big freshly cut pine tree.

Oh yeah, and I want it delivered to my house.  Maybe-maybe not.  But at the very least, it has to be dropped off for me to pick up no further than 3 tenths of a mile from where I live.

And when I say freshly cut, I mean literally, this sucker was in the ground 36 hours ago.  MAX!

Sounds silly doesn’t it?

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Took My Breath Away


Good?  Or bad?

Does it depend?  Or does it NOT depend?

Either way, for a long time I’ve thought that we ALL saw taxes in the same way.

A method pf paying for the things we need to run a country, state, county, city or school.

Not so.

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New Government Policy

Quick, no googlly-ogglly-Google.

What nation said this:

X-Nation announced on Monday it would lay off “at least” half a million state workers over the next six months and simultaneously allow more jobs to be created in the private sector as the socialist economy struggles to get back on its feet.

“Our state cannot and should not continue maintaining companies, productive entities and services with inflated payrolls and losses that damage our economy and result counterproductive, create bad habits and distort workers’ conduct,”

…the government “agreed to broaden the exercise of self employment and its use as another alternative for the employment of those excess workers.”

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How to Positively Affect Health Care Costs

Just this afternoon I experienced a classic fundamental of economics:  Consumption.

I had lunch at a pizza buffet.  All the pizza and soda I could consume for the low low price of eight dollars American.  of course I had to render to Caesar, so it REALLY was about $8.50, but I digress.

At some point I pushed away from the table satisfied; I was fat dumb and happy.  Full.

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Tragedy of the Commons

Some time ago {okay OKAY!  It was this morning!} I was arguing with Liberals.  We were talking about what a government can do, should do and then, what they WILL do.  In our examples, we specifically were speaking about the “common good” as it relates to non-National Defense.*

For example, can/should/will the government regulate medical doctors?  How about florists?

Another example, can/should/will the government regulate the workplace safety?

And even another.  Can/should/will the government regulate food quality in our grocery stores?  How about stereo component quality?

As you can imagine, a very clear divergence of opinions evolved.

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Finally Some Main Stream Common Sense on Social Security

We are broke.  The country.  The state.  All of us.

And it’s time we face the music and take the required steps to address that fact.

And for the first time that I can remember* Social Security has been brought up.

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The Upside to Being a Liberal

I have been so wrong for so long. It turns out that embracing Liberalism has its perks:

There will be no valedictory speech at Jericho High School’s graduation on Sunday.

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Chinese Labor: Entering Modern Day

For years we have heard about the horrible labor conditions of third world countries.  That people are being forced to work long hours in slave labor conditions for wages that are drastically lower than corporations can pay in America.

We never hear, of course, that these laborers voluntarily put down their farming tools and made their way to the cities to find this work.  This work, that they hope, will transform their lives from one back-breaking agricultural labor to one of living the middle class dream.

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Health Care: Mandatory Fun

More and more we’re seeing what happens when health care “reform” is enacted. It removes signals, it gets in between patients and care causing them to make poorly incented decisions.  More and more government money is thrown down a well, not only failing to fill the well, but actually making it larger.

All the while, government officials continue to use the promise of “No more homework” to get themselves elected into power.  And we just go deeper and deeper into debt.

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