Tag Archives: Republican

Thoughts on the Debate

The Republicans are still going at it as I type.  However, I think that tonight marks the beginning of the end for Santorum and Bachmann.  I further think that Gingrich will begin to rise and Romney and Perry even out.

Hot Off The Presses – This Just In

This just in from CBSNews:

Over to our correspondent’s desk in Raleigh for related news:

100% of Pino children polled Disapprove of the Parents handling of the “Veggies for Dinner Crisis”.

Back to you….

Hat Tip SkyDancingBlog

Dear Minnesota Republicans

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Republican Congress,

Congratulations on your efforts to force the liberal leftist Governor into agreeing to your deal.

Now, don’t be asses and insist on your social agenda policies. This is about the budget. Let it BE about the budget.


Who Can Vote

Ya know, there’s been a lot of back and forth among folks on either side of the aisle concerning Voter ID laws making their way into state houses around the country.  With the massive Republican win in 2010, control of state government swung hard right.  And using those majorities and governorships, the GOP is passing laws that would restrict voting.  Now, the restrictions are common sense and are reasonable.  Basically, you have to be a citizen.  Crazy talk I know, but nothing will get a bunch of statists up in arms like a good government regulation!


But serious.  Think about voter id laws and the reaction to ’em.  It goes back to the days when polling places, cities, counties and even entire states tried to prevent black people from voting.  For no other reason than they were black.  We’re stuck there.  We can’t escape from there.  Talk about requiring some burden of proof and the immediate reaction is the usual “Tea Party is racist!” meme.


But here is something that will REALLY get the Left up in arms.  If we’re gonna restrict voting, restrict it on the basis of your Federal Tax burden.

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We have come to the point where the pendulum can’t swing any further “our way”.  We are going to have to begin to compromise.

This is a list of Senators, ranked by their conservative/liberal slant in 2010:

Barrasso WY R
Chambliss GA R
Cornyn TX R
Crapo ID R
DeMint SC R
McCain AZ R
Risch ID R
Thune SD R
Coburn OK R
Wicker MS R
Enzi WY R
Bunning KY R
Roberts KS R
Hutchison TX R
Sessions AL R
McConnell KY R
Hatch UT R
Inhofe OK R
Isakson GA R
Vitter LA R
Kyl AZ R
Shelby AL R
Ensign NV R
Graham SC R
Cochran MS R
LeMieux FL R
Corker TN R
Grassley IA R
Burr NC R
Alexander TN R
Bond MO R
Johanns NE R
Bennett UT R
Gregg NH R
Brown, Scott MA R
Murkowski AK R
Lugar IN R
Snowe ME R
Collins ME R
Voinovich OH R
Nelson NE D
Lieberman CT I
Tester MT D
Baucus MT D
Warner VA D
Lincoln AR D
Pryor AR D
McCaskill MO D
Webb VA D
Bennet CO D
Hagan NC D
Udall, M CO D
Nelson FL D
Landrieu LA D
Feinstein CA D
Begich AK D
Klobuchar MN D
Rockefeller WV D
Feingold WI D
Kohl WI D
Boxer CA D
Cantwell WA D
Conrad ND D
Shaheen NH D
Dodd CT D
Kerry MA D
Carper DE D
Specter PA D
Bingaman NM D
Dorgan ND D
Harkin IA D
Johnson SD D
Merkley OR D
Akaka HI D
Durbin IL D
Inouye HI D
Murray WA D
Casey PA D
Franken MN D
Udall, T NM D
Lautenberg NJ D
Menendez NJ D
Gillibrand NY D
Reed RI D
Schumer NY D
Brown, Sherrod OH D
Cardin MD D
Leahy VT D
Levin MI D
Mikulski MD D
Reid NV D
Sanders VT I
Stabenow MI D
Whitehouse RI D

No one is out of order.  Every single Republican is more conservative than every single Democrat.  And every single Democrat is more Liberal than every single Republican.


Raising Revenue

There is a gap.

The United States brings in some amount of money.  And the united States spends some other amount of money.

There is a difference between those two amounts of money; and right now, the bigger amount is the amount we spend.

We’re in debt and getting debt’ier.

All the talk ’round town is that we have to fix this problem pretty soon and the deadline that’s looming is the debt ceiling.  Everyone is looking at August 2nd and working to build a plan by then.

In it’s simplest form, the debate is about narrowing the gap of the spending and the revenue.

How are we gonna do that?

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Ahh…to be 20 again, right?  And do all that crazy shit that people in their 20s do?

Remember all the things that you thought were true back then?

“Adults” didn’t “get it”.  They weren’t hip.  The new generation was gonna change, ’cause everything was changin’.

And then you kinda grew up.

I know, I did it.  I used to be that long haired hippie dude with the ear-ring.  I used to go down to Mexico and build homes for immigrants trying to cross the border.  I used to support legalizing pot.

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A Budget Solution

I think that I have stumbled on the compromise that Congress needs to make.

On the one hand, you have the Left that insist the ONLY way to address our deficit is to raise more revenue; certainly this is a fair argument that deserves consideration.

On the other hand, you have the Right that insist the ONLY way to address our deficit is to cut spending; there will be no raising of the tax rate.  Again, a fair position worthy of consideration.

My solution is simple.

Do both.

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Just A Thought

If President Bill Clinton with a Republican House is credited with balancing the budget why isn’t President Obama with a Republican House being credited with NOT balancing the budget?

Or, the other way:

If the 2011 House is being credited with preventing fiscal responsible legislation, why isn’t the House in the 90’s credited with the passing of the fiscal legislation?



Liberals And Economics

Don’t mix.

Recently I posted about an Economics Literacy Test.  The Minneapolis Federal Reserve conducted a survey and asked people to answer 13 economic questions.  Those 404 people didn’t do so well.

While I took the test I wondered who would do well and who would do so well.  It occurred to me that some people will do better just because they want the answer to be something other than what it is.  For example, if asked, I suspect a vast majority of Liberals would say that the oil companies make too much profit.  Indeed, the oil companies rank 114 out of 215 industries in profits.  Hardly gouging, huh?

Then I was reminded of a post I blogged here about a year ago.  It described who did well and who did poorly on questions of economics:

Best to worst, with an average number of incorrect responses from 0 to 8:

Very conservative, 1.30

Libertarian, 1.38

Conservative, 1.67

Moderate, 3.67

Liberal, 4.69

Progressive/very liberal, 5.26.

Not so good if you are Liberal.