Category Archives: Global Warming

Outliers Versus Trends: Tornadoes And Global Warming

We are seeing tornadoes across America.

And by the looks of things, it would seem the year is bad.  Really REALLY bad.

But is it?

Well, the guys over at Poison Your Mind seem to think so:

We can’t link any individual event to global warming, but it’s a large-scale pattern that may be increasing the frequency or severity of types of events.

Nickgb creates some very compelling points in his post, I highly recommend reading all of it.  And when you’re done, stop on back and see my critique.

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Tornadoes Trends and Global Warming

It’s been a tough spring.  We’ve seen storms ravage the south from Alabama to North Carolina.  And just today, Missouri was hammered.

It’s an active storm season to be sure.  But is this just weather or is it Global Warming:

…the jet stream forces in April were among the strongest ever recorded, possibly because of La Niña conditions in the Pacific Ocean. A La Niña pattern, which leads to cooler water conditions around the Equator in the Pacific Ocean, is associated with wetter and stormier conditions through the middle of the country as cooler air from Canada surges into warm moisture heading north — made warmer, many climate scientists say, by climate change.

Ahh yes…Climate Change – Global Warming – AGW!  Of course!

It has to be Global Warming, right?

Well, maybe not.

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Global Warming: Open Thread For Alarmists

Serious question:

What weather pattern would have to come to pass for you to abandon your belief in catastrophic global warming?

I Hate Earth Day

I find it nauseating to be lectured by those on the Left regarding MY religion while they legislate theirs.

One Of The Good Guys

So, last night Carolina had some vicious weather pass through.  We’re okay, but MAN! did we get some rain and wind.

After the storm passed I went out to catch “Atlas Shrugged”.  But before I left, I changed shirts and walked into my bedroom.  I heard the distinctive drip-drip-drip of water moving.  BUT—the storm had passed hours earlier and rain water shouldn’t be dripping where I heard it.

Up into the attack I went and sure enough, my polybutylene pipe had sprung a leak; water everywhere.

I turned the water off, went to the theater, watched my movie while drinking a beer an came home.  Today I tried to fix said leak and gave up.

I called the plumber and within 4 hours on a Sunday drove up Triangle Plumbing.  Complete with pure awesomeness ad everything on his back bumper:

It took him more time to climb up the ladder and get his tools than it did for him to fix it.  PLUS he offered poly fixing service AND referred me to a restoration service.

Whadda country!

Every Light In The House Will Be On

This Saturday is the day of the year when we are supposed to observe Earth Hour.

At 8:30 PM on Saturday 26th March 2011, lights will switch off around the globe for Earth Hour and people will commit to actions that go beyond the hour.

We are supposed to turn off all of our lights in order to demonstrate that we love our world; our earth.


Every light in the house will be on.

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Going Green Stinks


It really stinks:

San Francisco’s big push for low-flow toilets has turned into a multimillion-dollar plumbing stink.

Skimping on toilet water has resulted in more sludge backing up inside the sewer pipes, said Tyrone Jue, spokesman for the city Public Utilities Commission. That has created a rotten-egg stench near AT&T Park and elsewhere, especially during the dry summer months.


Too much water spent on sanitation?  Reduce and you get less sanitary sanitation.

The cost of making it more sanitary?

The city has already spent $100 million over the past five years to upgrade its sewer system and sewage plants…

Anyone have any idea how “green” an extra $100 million is?

Global Warming: Storm Intensity

As we transition from Global Warming into climate change, we continue to debate the science.

We point to historical levels of CO2 and the temperature at the time. We can look at the rise in the concentration of CO2 in recent years and watch as recent temperatures soar.

But can we use the data that we think we have and make a prediction that turns out to be accurate?

Time thought it did.  I think they’re wrong.

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A Small Lesson In Global Warming

Thankfully much of the rhetoric surrounding global warming climate change has died down.  With the stunning leak of the papers in the UK and with Al Gore revealing how he trumped up the crisis so that he could do well in Iowa, we are seeing the outcry begin to diminish.

But it’s still out there and we need to pay attention.  So, here it is, a small lesson in what makes the planet warm and cold.

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In Good Shape

Out with the new. In with the old.

So, something happened to me today that sent shivers down my spine.  Something so horrible I couldn’t even bring myself to tell my family.  I was left all alone, in the dark, all by myself.

Did I say I was alone?

And in the dark?

That’s cause the light bulb in the lamp on my night stand went out!

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