Tag Archives: Post Office

Negative Impacts Of New Technology

It goes without saying that technology has changed the way we live.  It’s changed how we communicate, read the news, shop and even pay bills.  Heck, it’s changed a daily routine of mine that’s practiced by millions of Americans:

Getting the mail.

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Music, Sweet Music – US Postal Service To Lay Off 120,000

It would seem that people only care about monopolies when they are in the hands of anyone but the government.  But, when in those trusted hands of Uncle Sam, it’s A-OK for an organization to have a legal strangle hold on a market.

Enter the United States Postal Service.

For years this organization has been losing money by the truck load.  The truck load I tell you.  And the whole time they’re losing this money there are corporations willing and able to take the job from them.  FedEx and UPS would be chomping at the bit to be able to have a shot at the commercial mail that the USPS handles right now.

But the government won’t let ’em.

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Walmart: Is "Greed" Good?

People talk about greed.  That greed is bad bad bad.  Money corrupts and money s the root of all evil.

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The Post Office is Running LA

Watch this guys.  California is the state with the biggest hand out infrastructure in the Nation.  They have more entitlement programs than you can shake a stick at.  And YOU are going to bail ’em out.

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