Category Archives: Rocket Surgery

North Carolina Unemployment Benefits

It’s tough.  It really is.

There’s a ton of us out there without work; we all know someone who’s looking for a job, a shot.  And as long as they’re out there, shouldn’t we do what we can and give ’em the support they’ve worked for all these years?  Isn’t that the right thing to do?


And I’ll tell ya why.

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Investing and Profits: Open Thread For Populists

I am going to offer you a choice between two investments.  You may pick one.  Here are your choices:

Investment Romulus:  You invest money with me and I will return $10.00 in profit.

Investment Remus:  You invest money with me and I will return $17.50 in profit.

Now, which of the two investments do you want; Romulus or Remus?

Infant Mortality Rate: Numbers Matter

I think it’s important.

Plus, as we get closer and closer to election time, we’re gonna be discussing this more and more.

Plus, the debate is raging over at Poison Your Mind concerning it.

What is it?  What are we debating and how can there be a debate?

Well, it is Infant Mortality rates and how they can be used to measure a nation’s health care system.  Rightly or wrongly.

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Can We Tax The Rich Enough To Get Out Of Debt?

The battle lines are drawn.  On one side you have the conservatives demanding that we cut spending.  The other; we have to raise taxes on the rich.

The battle?  Well, the battle is the deficit.

So, who’s right, who’s wrong?  Let’s check it out.

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18 – 1

And so it appears that Wisconsin Democrats find themselves in Atari.  This should not be surprising.  Either to they themselves, state democrats as a group or the nation as a whole.

By fleeing the state and preventing a quorum, the Wisconsin 14 knew, they had to KNOW, that they were setting themselves up for failure.  True, they WERE able to block the vote.  But only because it contained fiscal portions.  It isn’t rocket surgery to know all you have to do it strip out that aspect of the bill and pass it without the required 20.

There will be yelling and much nashing of teeth.  But make no mistake about it, the Wisconsin 14 brought this on themselves.

Taxes Up or Taxes Down – Pick One

Lot’s of talk about taxes.  Mostly it was last year during the Lame Duck session, but with the State of the Union coming up, we’re back to talking about ’em again.

It seems, normally I suppose, that folks are divided as to whether or not tax increases create or destroy jobs.  Or, in the inverse, do tax cuts creats jobs or not.

It’s an interesting debate.  But for another time.

I wanna suggest that until the actual vote to make ’em permanent takes place, it doesn’t matter.

Consider this:

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North Carolina Rail

North Carolina is interested in building out it’s light rail infrastructure.  And, in those places that make sense, it should.

For example, if there is a destination that has significant traffic, it might make sense to install some form of rail service to alleviate traffic or even draw revenue.

The problem with such plans?  Trains have to run on tracks.  And tracks are both expensive to build and impossible to move.  They are where they are and nothing can be done concerning the “ad hoc” needs of commuters.

So rail planning HAS to rely on data, good data, well thought out data aboiut the goals and ability to meet ’em.

Most, including the News And Observer, don’t do their due diligence.

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