Why Does My Country Hate My Religion?

As part of a tolerant nation with laws that protect free speech and prohibit the government from becoming a religion, we don’t have to look very hard to see examples of my religion being mocked.

Not only are such examples easy to find, it’s not even hard to find times when those attacks are on my dime:

When a significant segment of the public was outraged to learn that the NEA provided funding for Andres Serrano’s “Piss Christ,” the arts community rose as one to decry censorship over efforts to cut funding for his “art.” The arts community was equally upset at the suggestion that government policymakers might influence the content of its artwork. As the art world sees it, the government should pay but remain silent about artistic content.

I’ve come to expect it.  In fact, while I certainly don’t agree with the message, I take heart in knowing that we do, indeed, live in a free society.  So free, that we are able to burn the very symbol that represents that freedom.

Those who came before us, heck, many who are among us, fought hard for that freedom, bore a price many of us would be unwilling to pay.  I respect that my nation is so free as this.

Except it’s not.

You see, I have to endure insult after insult to my Savior.  I have to hear criticism of my belief.   I am subject to ridicule for a faith that calls for charity and brotherly love that many feel is incompatible to my political beliefs.  I am called uncaring and intolerant.

So what am I to feel when, finally, another Holy figure is mocked?  Is it relief?  Is it gladness or glee?  No.  No it’s not.  But it IS affirmation that my nation is free and I am a simple member of a majority.

Until I learn the gentle lesson on the tender mercies of equality.

See, the freedom to mock is not equal opportunity.

The elite gatekeepers of American pop culture huff and puff about freedom of speech. But when political correctness actually threatens that right, Hollywood’s stalwart defenders of free expression are nowhere to be found.

Last night, Comedy Central gave into threats of violence against the creators of the animated sitcom “South Park”  and not only censored the image of the Muslim prophet Muhammed — as it had last week and in one previous episode — but even censored every verbal mention of the prophet’s name.


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