Category Archives: Raising Men

A Critique Of The Right And The Left

Aside from the very perplexing contradiction of folks on the Left claiming that they are not socialists but then supporting increased taxes on the rich in order to increase transfer payments to the poor, I think that most people on the Left and Right generally agree on some basic things:

  1. Do well in school
  2. Be kind to others
  3. Work hard
  4. Pay for what you take
  5. Return what you borrow

I suspect that I’m not unlike many other Liberal families that teach their kids these basic time tested tenants.  In fact, it’s parenting 101.  Much of it is taught without even being realized, and other, specifically taught on purpose.

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Unemployment Benefits: To Be Clear

I think it’s important to clear a few things up.  And to explain the difference between personal charity and legislative responsibility.

On a human and personal level I get the fact that someone out of work is struggling.  Most likely with personal value issues, household income issues and perhaps larger life skills and career opportunity issues.

I get that.

And to that extent, I resonate with the personal heart string tugging concept of needing to provide relief.  I absolutely agree that helping when one can is the right thing to do.  Without a doubt.

On the governmental and legislative level I know that the best thing that can be done is to make sure that it is as easy as possible for people  looking for work can match up with people looking for workers.n  In short, for the removal of every possible obstacle.

The juxtaposition of those two very valid and noble positions seems to be taking place in our debate.

The fiscal conservatives want less unemployment benefits to be handed out.  Less as in fewer weeks and less money.  The social  liberals want to increase those benefits.  Increase as in extend benefits and with more money.

And they yell at each other.

But they aren’t arguing about the same topic.  The Left are advocating a position of personal charity.  The Right are advocating a position of economic modeling.  Both are right in their specific context, but that context isn’t the same.

So, I would suggest this:

  • My Liberal friends:  Form a non-profit foundation that provides relief to the unemployed.
  • My Conservative friends: Contribute to said foundation.
  • End government mandated charity.

Remember, there must be an incontrovertible condition for the government to relive a man of the fruits of his labor by threat of sword or gun.  And the simple fact that you feel more comfortable with this man having that man’s property does not meet that condition.

Economic Value

A very quick primer on what I think is Economics 101:

  • When two parties voluntarily enter into contract, each one, by definition, comes out ahead.
    • The milk I get from the grocer is worth more to me than the money I give to the grocer.
    • The money the grocer gets from me is worth more than the milk the grocer gives to me.
    • This is an example of a GROWING economy where people yearn to trade.
  • When one or more parties are forced into contract, one or the other -or both-, by definition, comes out behind.
    • When forced to sell milk at a price below market value, the grocer receives less money than the milk is worth.
    • When forced to buy labor at a price above market value, the employer pays more for the labor than the labor is worth.
    • This is an example of a shrinking economy.

As a point of fact.  I actively pursue things that create a situation where I come out ahead.  I avoid those where I come out behind.

Good Intentions: Where They Lead


Boy, talk about a word that conjurers up a ton of emotions.

On the one hand, we have stories of “Irish Need Not Apply”.  On the other, heroic remembrances of a time gone by when determined folks would walk off a ship with barely a nickel to their name.  And die rich.

And now…well, now we have newscasts of drug runners, cartels and coyotes.  Fences and tunnels, arms deals and drug wars.

Ugly stuff this.  To be sure.

But when the drama and the histrionics have past and we have boiled away all that isn’t really truly important, what are we left with?  To me, in it’s simplest form, we are left with one single human being wanting to make a better life for himself.  His family.

We are left with that most American story of boots and straps and pull.  We cheer for the individualist.  We build a culture that applauds that individual.  And rewards him with adoration and, perhaps, wealth.

To me, that’s the American Dream.

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Life Is Better Now

I picked my son up from day-care this afternoon.

He asked if I had seen the “rocket ship take off”.

I replied that I hadn’t, but asked him if he would like to see it when we got home?

He replied; “Nah, I saw it here on the computer.  Come on dad, let’s get pizza.”

My son is like 5.

For The Record

I believe in the nobility and the divinity of the soul.

I feel that all life is precious and a gift given to us by that power which each of us is free to name; or not name.

I understand that part of our responsibility is to provide for the relief of others less fortunate, whether this be in the short term or in the long term.

I am aware that my successes and joys are the result of the sweat and sacrifice of those generations that have come before me.  In some cases, these sacrifices were true and terminating; think soldiers dying in war.  In other cases, these sacrifices were of labor and drudgery; think the factory worker.  And in others, these sacrifices were of joy and celebration; think educators.  I stand on the shoulders of giants.

I know that all mankind is obligated to watch and care for his brother.  That the joy and peace of my fellowman is a much mine to care for and grow than if it were my own.  It is, after all.

When sick, we should heal.

When hungry, we should feed.

When poor, we should enrich.

When tired, we should relieve.

When burdened, we should shoulder.

These are things that I know.  And that I hope to be teaching.

After these things, when they have all been satisfied to my ability, I reflect on the worlds view of me.  And I am at peace.

However, it causes me no small amount of pain and frustration that because I believe in these things, these things that, when wrapped into one concept which I call Liberty, I am called greedy or callous.  That because I believe that the proper and most noble state of man is found within Liberty that I should be thought of as selfish.

As if.

I find it more noble and empowering to “want” in freedom than to “have” in bondage.


Ahh…to be 20 again, right?  And do all that crazy shit that people in their 20s do?

Remember all the things that you thought were true back then?

“Adults” didn’t “get it”.  They weren’t hip.  The new generation was gonna change, ’cause everything was changin’.

And then you kinda grew up.

I know, I did it.  I used to be that long haired hippie dude with the ear-ring.  I used to go down to Mexico and build homes for immigrants trying to cross the border.  I used to support legalizing pot.

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Free Masonry: A Thing You May Not Have Known

Did you know that if you wanna be a Free Mason all you have to do is ask to join?

Politics Republicans Democrats and Awareness

For a long long time I resonated with a “team” more than I resonated with a concept.

I mean, I grew up pullin’ for the Vikings, so, naturally, they are the coolest team in the whole world and the Packers just suck.

And the Cowboys [Drew Pearson—shiver]

And the Steelers

And the Falcons

I digress.  Anyway, teams.

My dad liked Reagan, but not until later in life, much later, did I learn that dad was a democrat, and pretty hard core too.  We would often argue and debate and each of us left the conversation seriously considering the voting tendencies of the milkman.  I wonder how much of that was due to the fact that I grew up THINKING dad was a Republican?


I’m pretty convinced that I’m a Christian because I grew up in a Christian family in a Christian town in a Christian nation.  I think that’s pretty clear.

However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to try and back away a little bit and see things…twice.  It’s an old Billy Joel song, “Things I didn’t know before I learned by doin’ twice….”

Anyway, its awareness, being able to see and focus and count the things going on around you.  Sometime they happen so fat, ya miss ’em.

Try it:  See if you can count —

See what I mean?

Obama and Bush: Compare and Contrast

I work in corporate America.  The company I work at is huge; massive.  I’m not a superstar.  I’m not an over achiever.  I’m a pretty low level manager in fact.  But – BUT I know what makes a team tick.

I know what a good manager should say and what a bad manager does say.

In my years as a corporate denizen I’ve come to learn to fear the characteristics of a bad leader.  And I’ve learned to identify those characteristics.

A good example of what I’m talking about is illustrated below.  Each man was President when a sought after criminal was captured or shot:

First take the words of Dubya:

The success of yesterday’s mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq . The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator’s footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force.  Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime, and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation, I thank the members of our Armed Forces and I congratulate ’em.

And the compare them to the words of Obama:

And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network. Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan . And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad , Pakistan .

I’m not sure you can sum up the effectiveness of a Presidency in so few words, but you can get a hint at the style of the man.

Go ahead – read it again.

You’ll begin to see the difference between a man comfortable in his role as leader and a man who isn’t sure; is running scared.

Obama wasn’t qualified when he won.  And he isn’t qualified now.

And that’s my point.