So he picked Ryan. I think it’s a fine choice but maybe not the strongest one he could have made. I’m glad that he didn’t pick Rubio. Rick is too new, is only a Senator and really would have smacked to pandering. The other pick I was afraid of was Rice. I like her but she would have been a massive gamble. She’s pro-choice -which is what it is- and that would have turned off a ton of the base. Further, she could be seen a doubly pandering.
High gain high risk.
I would have preferred a governor. Paulenty, Christie, Daniels, Jindal or McDonnell. I think any of those 5 would be solid solid picks. [If Obama wins the Republican primary is going to be an All Star team].
I think Ryan brings a conservative Tea Party rock and roll star, he brings youth and enthusiasm and brings a degree of expertise in matters financial. However, he also brings the Ryan plan. A plan that has been an easy target for democrats. And a plan that may negatively sway indies and the elderly.
Will he make a difference? Probably not. But if his team can influence the Romney team that you have to be a little looser, a little more hip and a little bit more aggressive, then that would be a good thing.
Additionally, a few things are also clear. In the coming days and for the rest of the campaign we’re gonna hear the democrats roll out all kinds of ads and speeches on the following themes:
- War on the Middle Class – See also “Decline of the”
- The gutting of Medicare and Medicaid
- Tax breaks for the wealthy
- Income disparity
- The Ryan Plan itself
It should promise to be a great campaign!
I think Ryan is going to be a net liability, but there were many worse options out there. He’s a decent politician who just happens to be associated with a lot of ideas that, if the Dems can put in the right light, will make him less popular.
That said, while I know this was a typo (or freudian slip?), this made me laugh:
” But if his team can influence the Romney tea that you have to be a little loser, a little more hip and a little bit more aggressive, then that would be a good thing.”
Anyway, it feels good to be into the home stretch on this thing.
That said, while I know this was a typo (or freudian slip?), this made me laugh
Yes, a typo, even the team turned into Tea. The pitfalls of blogging while trying to play Mario Cart with your 6 year old!
I think Ryan is going to be a net liability
Well, it’s going to turn on the net/net regarding the base and the indies. Ryan pisses off the group of people that are going to vote Obama no matter what. So it comes down to the number of indies Obama flips to the Blue vs the number of republicans that would have stayed home because they don’t like Romney.
In the end I think Romney feels the republicans don’t think he’s conservative enough. This bolsters his republican chops.
pino, I was surprised too. I understand the thinking, but I think they’ll regret it down the line. I was sure he’d pass up on Ryan for two reasons: the budget is quite controversail, and he is in the leadershp of a Congress the country is disgusted with. Both things present targets.
On the up side, he’s got a dynamic true beleiver, young, attractive, excites part of the base and that may lead to much better turnout.
The last two ‘extreme’ candidates to run on a prez ticket – Goldwater and McGovern – were disasters. And I think the country may see a Randian like Ryan as extreme.
I’m looking forward ot the Ryan/Biden debate.. .that one will be fun.
I was sure he’d pass up on Ryan for two reasons: the budget is quite controversail
I think the budget would have been debated either way. No way Obama leaves that out of the debate if Ryan isn’t selected.
On the up side, he’s got a dynamic true beleiver, young, attractive, excites part of the base and that may lead to much better turnout.
Romney does have a bit of a energy problem. This may help that a bit.
I think the country may see a Randian like Ryan as extreme.
I’m gonna have to study the Ryan budget now for the details, but yes, it certainly is a bold outline, for or against.
Pino ,
You are exactly right . Those who are going to say they were going to vote for Romney, but now will vote for Obama because of this extremist guy that Romney chose for a running mate, are lying . They were always planning to vote Obama-Biden . I loved the advice they were giving Romney on who to pick . As though they really were eager to help him win .
No matter what, this is about Obama verses Romney, not Biden verses Ryan . But I will look forward to Ryan making a monkey out of Biden in their debate .
Those who are going to say they were going to vote for Romney, but now will vote for Obama because of this extremist guy that Romney chose for a running mate, are lying .
The group of people this impacts, the VERY important group of people, are those that have been wanting to vote republican but can’t because they view the party as too extreme. Those people went Obama last time due to Palin. Will they do that again or is Romney enough of a moderate to win over those in the middle?
This is an admission by Romney that his campaign was in deep trouble and their strategy – make this a referendum on Obama and offer Romney as a “safe” alternative with knowledge about the economy- wasn’t working. The Bain and tax attacks from Team Obama have been driving up Romney’s negatives.
This choice may matter because it’s a change in strategy – they now will defend their vision rather than stay vague and hope people decide “well, Obama hasn’t fixed it, let’s give this other guy a chance.” It’s recognition that they have to win this, not rely on Obama to lose it. Romney NEEDED that kind of change in strategy. Ultimately, I don’t think it’ll change the outcome. It’s not a fiasco like Palin (McCain was impulsive, Romney is careful), but to work it has to be combined with a change in strategy that works and catches Team Obama flatfooted. I doubt that will happen, but it’s certainly possible.
This is an admission by Romney that his campaign was in deep trouble and their strategy – make this a referendum on Obama and offer Romney as a “safe” alternative with knowledge about the economy- wasn’t working.
We’ll have to see. But yes, it uts Romney on the record of “having a vision.” There can be no more vagueness from him.
Scott, I agree that the Ryan choice is a reaction to Romney’s flagging campaign. I don’t htink they had any idea how badly the Bain/taxes stuff was going to hurt. I wonder if there was a last minute change of mind because of those polls last week? Maybe Ryan has only been the choice for a few days!
And will someone, anyone, explain to me how it is possible that a man who’s been running for this office for half his adult life wasn’t prepared for the tax returns stuff?? It’s astonishing.