A favorite tactic of the Left is to create a problem, exploit it and then sell us on the solution.
We should force the government to pay for the medical care of people who have no money.
There are people in this country that are using the emergency room as their primary care physician. This costs Americans billions of dollars a year and creates inefficient emergent care facilities.
We need to pass this health care bill so that we can avoid paying billions of dollars a year and restore order to emergent care facilities.
See? Create a problem through legislation. Leverage the predictable consequences. Pass new legislation.
And here we go again; Version 1,376,892:
MINNEAPOLIS – The federal government proposed Thursday to reward farmers who use crop insurance and demonstrate good management practices that limit their losses.
Because the federal government can do what the market can’t?
The plan will cost about $75 million, but the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation said the benefits will outweigh the costs by promoting sound farming practices that reduce losses, discouraging the filing of small claims and encouraging producers to keep using crop insurance.
So, we need to spend $75 million to encourage farmers to do what they SHOULD be doing already? So tell me, why wouldn’t farmers be motivated to “promote sound farming practices that reduce losses, discourage the filing of small claims and encouraging producers to keep using crop insurance?”
Could it be….
…the savings may allow for decreases in future premium rates, reducing costs to farmers and taxpayers who subsidize the federal crop insurance program.
THERE it is.
We create a problem; we subsidize farmers.
Then we exploit the results; farmers are losing their farms and costing tax payers.
Then we pass legislation to fix those results.
How about we just quit paying farmers that aren’t able to remain competitive, let them fail and allow the great farmers to farm more and more land?