Tag Archives: Slow Jam

When You Act Like A Clown….

Obama Clown

Who is surprised when a man who allows himself to be referred to as “The Barackness Monster” is caricatured as a clown?

The event featured a man wearing an Obama mask with an upside down broomstick attached to his backside who was positioned on the arena’s dirt floor as if he were a dummy. Another clown drew cheers from the audience as he asked if they wanted to see “Obama run down by a bull.”

Clown is as clown does.


Barackalicious: Business And Campaign

I’m willing to wager that every Presidential incumbent is accused of using his office to his advantage in the upcoming campaign.  I’m sure Dubya was accused of the practice and I’m equally sure Bubba was just as accused.  So it isn’t surprising that President Obama is taking heat for the fact that he is delivering “policy speeches” in mainly battle ground states.

Fair?  Maybe not, but as they say, “It is what it is.”  *

I think that I can overlook a policy speech on student loans held here in North Carolina.  It has to be somewhere, why not UNC?  However, the taping of Jimmy Fallon and Obama’s “Slow Jam” crosses the threshold.

This is clearly two things:

  1. A campaign speech
  2. Un-Presidizial

He’s jumped the shark and entered into “American Idol” territory.

When you let yourself be called Barackness monster you make yourself eligible to be called a dumb ass.


* Obama is REALLY taking advantage of his office:

As of March 6, Mr. Obama has participated in 191 fundraisers, already topping the re-election cycle totals of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who held 167 and 173 fundraisers, respectively…