Tag Archives: religion


I’m pretty tolerant.  I’m willing to bear a bunch and walk away feeling pretty good that I represented myself well.

I like love. 

I like forgiveness.

I like that whole “Turn the other cheeck” thing.

But some things are just too much.

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Feels Good Being in the Right Side

I dunno.  Sometimes it feels that we’re fightin’ the fools fight.  Tilting at windmills.

People get to vote who they wanna vote in.  If you don’t wanna pay taxes, find 51% of the population that feels like you and vote that guy in.

Stand for the unpopular, the Right, the Just…stand lonely.

But sometimes I get to stand with the crowd.

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The GOP is Limiting Their Base

The more and more I watch, follow this stuff and learn, I begin to feel that there is no party for me.  I see these far far off the map religious kooks and I’m like “Jeez!  That’s not even CLOSE to me!”

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