Tag Archives: New Orleans

Hurricane Katrina: Saving New Orlean’s Children?

Busts are painful.

Destruction is brutal.

Death is horrible.

However, it is out of all those things that the sprouts of future generations come.  New Orleans’ is proving that this is just as true today as it’s always been:

Katrina also washed away much of New Orleans’s sorry public school district, where majorities of students consistently failed. Once again, citizens are improving on what they had. The city’s biggest education reform is that the majority of its 35,000 public school kids now attend charter schools overseen by a state-run school district. It’s too early to tell much from test-score results, but it’s clear that the success and optimism of charter school operators—from the national KIPP outfit to local nonprofits—at getting schools up and running has been a big factor in residents’ decisions to return home.

Often the way things are is simply a legacy of the way things have always been.

And if it took Katrina to save a city full of kids that haven’t had a chance in generations; well, so be it.

What We Sow We Reap

To be sure, the amount of oil spilled into the Gulf is immense.  To say that the well leaked is a disservice; it veritably gushed.  Gushed to the tune of 62,000 barrels a day slowing to 53,000 a day as the oil in the reservoir diminished the internal pressure.

That is a lot of oil.  A whole HELL of a lot of oil.

And we covered it.  Boy did we cover it.

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