Tag Archives: AT&T

Main Stream Media: Where Is Journalism?

I like getting my news, or at least some of it, from Reuters.  Partly because they’re good at reporting the news and partly because they’re good to use as a source.  As much as I hate HuffPo or Kos, I suspect that liberals hate Fox, CATO or Heritage.

Reuters is safe.

But check out this headline:

“AT&T jacks up data plan prices as usage booms”

I mean jeepers.  Jacks up data plan prices and then followed by usage booms!  My gawd, the world is ending.  So I read the article.  And didn’t understand the outrage:

From January 22, AT&T customers will pay $20 for a 300-megabyte monthly data plan, up from $15 for 200-mb currently.

So, right now, AT&T charges $15 for 200 mb.  Or $0.075 per meg.  Right?  7.5 cents times 200 equals 15 American.  Then, after the 22nd, AT&T is going to charge WAY more than 7.5 cents per meg, they’re gonna charge $0.06 per meg.

Robber barons!

There’s more:

Users with higher requirements can also opt for $30 for 3 gigabytes — versus $25 for 2 GB previously

AT&T used to charge $25 for 2 GIG, or $12.5 per GIG.  Now, those greedy bastards are charging WAY more, they’re charging $30 for 3!  That comes out to $10 per GIG.

Wait, that doesn’t make sense.  But there’s more still:

or $50 for 5 GB, up from $45 for 4 GB.

For the larger plans, AT&T used to charge $11.25 per GIG.  And now what are those monopolistic capitalists charging?!?

$10 per GIG.  For those that attended the CLA, that is an 11% price REDUCTION!

“Jacks” up rates indeed.

We need WAY more journalists.  For sure!

For fun, I thought I’d check out the comments section of the Reuters piece.  The very first one, I shit thee not:

jscott418 wrote:

Normally demand reduces prices. What’s AT&T excuse? Seems to me they are just taking advantage of the popularity of data usage.

Normally.  Demand.  Reduces.  Prices.

Blink.  Blink.

You can NOT make this up.

Great News For The Triangle

AT&T has long gotten a bad rap on their cellular coverage.  Common complaints include dropped calls, no signal, few bars and slow data speeds.

I can relate; I’ve had an iPhone for nearly 2 years now and have continually had problems with the coverage at my home and then again in a small “dead zone” on my way to the office.  A non-trivial condition considering how much I’m on the phone for work; both at home and on the way to the office.  While it’s gotten better over the last few years, it’s still frustrating and irritating.

However, things may soon change:

Raleigh, N.C. — The Research Triangle area is a high-tech hotbed when it comes to the emerging generation of faster wireless services with major carriers targeting the region for early deployment.

AT&T (NYSE: T) doesn’t intend to be left behind.

At a press conference on Wednesday that took place at a secluded North Raleigh data and switch center, the company disclosed plans for high-speed wireless broadband service known as “4G” to be rolled out later this year. They also stressed that the Triangle will be one of the first markets where new technology will deliver data, video and voice six to seven times faster than current 3G technology.

I can’t wait!

The Power of Innovation

135 years ago.

The first telephone conversation:

“Mr. Watson, come here, I want you.” With these words, spoken by inventor Alexander Graham Bell into his experimental telephone on March 10, 1876, an industry was born. For down the hall, Bell’s assistant, Thomas Watson, distinctly heard Bell utter the first spoken sentence ever transmitted via electricity. That achievement was the culmination of an invention process Bell had begun at least four years earlier.

By 1892 AT&T completed a network between New York and Chicago.  The downside?

The circuit could handle only one call at a time. The price was $9 for the first five minutes.

How far have we come?

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