I think that Boehner has done more work across the aisles than Reid has done. The minority leaders are largely behind the scenes. But it doesn’t surprise me that Reid has the worst approval while all four of them are negative:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) holds the lowest net approval rating among House and Senate leadership — but others are not far behind.
According to a Gallup poll released Friday, Reid’s approval rating is 33 percent with 53 percent disapproving of his job performance, leaving him with a net rating of negative 20 percent.
Speaker John Boehner (Ohio), who leads the Republican majority in the House, holds a net approval rating of negative 17 percent, with 37 percent of people approving while 54 percent disapprove.
Both minority leaders in the House and Senate hold a net approval rating of negative 12 percent.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has a 35 percent approval rating, while 37 percent disapprove of him. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has the approval of 39 percent of people, but 51 percent disapprove.
Well, the difference between Reid and Boehner is hardly significant statistically. For the record, I like Boehner, I think he’s dealing with people in his own caucus that don’t want to do the work of compromising and making deals. But I actually approve of Boehner’s work, he’s trying hard to rid herd on a very rambunctious caucus.
Boehner has done more work across the aisles than Reid has done
Citation needed.
Citation needed.
As leaders of each chamber, I think that Beohner has allowed more bi-partisan votes than Reid does.
I’ve run organizations that decide things by formal vote – and I always allow votes on motions that I then vote against.
It is my take that Reid doesn’t do that. And even when he does allow votes he uses procedure to fill amendment trees.