So, I like to go the YMCA and
work out sit in the hot tub, steam room and sauna on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
On my way home, I drive right by the Leesville Taproom, if by “on my home” you mean taking a leeft when you should take a right.
And because I simply MUST make sure that they don’t need the help of an old decrepit bartender, I stop in to check on ’em. I like to have a couple beers and make my way home.
But tonight was different. The Minnesota Vikings were playing and I got to watch some of the game. We were doing well, it was close and I really wanted to watch the rest of the game. However, it was getting late.
Normally I may have stayed to watch the game, but tonight I was tired and just wanted to watch the rest at home, in my jammies all warm and comfortable. Not to mention I appreciate sound.
But I didn’t wanna leave and miss any part of the game while I drove home.
What to do?
Then, like a bolt of lightning, it hit me!
I accessed a computer system larger than that of the Apollo Space Mission, my iPhone, and I went to the U-verse App and I recorded the game. From my barstool, while I was paying for my beer, I recorded the football game that was being played in Philadelphia so that when I got home I could watch it in comfort. Warm. Safe and with sound.
If letting very uber-rich people get even more uber-rich means I get to live like this; I’ll take it. I would trade Steve Jobs being as wealthy as he wants to be in exchange for this Middle Class schmuck accessing the technology he’s made accessible to a teacher’s son from bum-fook Minnesota!
That is so sad. I think it is called ‘complacency.’ – a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.
I’m not afraid of the word left,though I not do I pick one side of the street or the other. Being the last Middle Class man living in Las Vegas has forced me to pick a side. Not ‘right or left’ but ‘Right over Wrong.’
That is so sad. I think it is called ‘complacency.’ – a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.
I don’t see it as complacency. I see it as … let’s see.
Given a choice between two worlds described as below. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being most wealthy and 1 being poor:
A: A world where the middle class is ranked a 2 and the rich 4. That is, the rich are only 2 away from the poor or, twice as wealthy.
B: A world where the middle class is a 4 and the rich are a 9. That is, the rich are 5 points richer than the middle class and more than twice as wealthy.
I would pick world B. I would rather be more wealthy and better off than I otherwise would be even if it means the wealthy are even more so. I tend to see my position as relative to myself rather than comparing and keeping up with the Joneses.
I do see your logic and I understand your point. I will not argue, but merely state that I would choose circumstance A. I will visit your blog again. Thanks for the recomendations you left on mine.
It’s really interesting, thanks for posting.
We live in a country (society) where we ALWAYS have options. What I find interesting about many of the views on the left is that they see so few options for themselves, and for others.
I personally agree with your option “B”, assuming of course that the person at “9” is there of their own merits. How great is it to have opportunities to go out there and give ourselves a 25%, 50%, 100%, 500% or more pay raise and change our stars? Rather that than know there was only two upticks that separate us all, and I appreciate the choice of where on that scale of 1-9 I can be.
I personally agree with your option “B”
Me too; I’d rather have me and the rest of the world better off. Even if it means the wealthy are MORE better off.
assuming of course that the person at “9″ is there of their own merits.
Correct. The free market implies contract enforcement. And theft is not that.