I wonder if This is What They Wanted?

I honestly think that most people want things to work out for the better.  That the decisions they make, the things they do, the hopes and dreams they have, will, in the end, make not only their llives better but the lives of folks around ’em too.

So, when I rage against Leftists it’s not because their heart is in the wrong place–it’s because their HEAD is in the wrong place.

For example, when a Liberal fights to establish a minimum wage, it’s because they wanna help the folks who are poor and can’t pay their bills.

When they fight for Social Security, they really REALLY wanna help provide for the elderly in their times of need.

And when they build ethanol plants they do it because they really seriously think that going green is the way to go.

But they’re wrong.

On minimum wage, on Social Security and on ethanol plants.See, when a Leftists wants something built that is supposed to “Do Good” for the world, I honestly think that they mean well.  I am SURE that they don’t consider the unintended consequences if what they do.  The intent is enough.

But in the real world, those consequences have, well, they have consequences.

And they ain’t purdy:

Five ethanol facilities in Minnesota have been cited in the past 12 months for widespread air and water quality violations. They have paid more than $2.8 million in penalties and corrective actions.

So, plants that are built to promote “Green Thinking” aren’t really all that green?

But really, how bad can it be?

Buffalo Lake Energy in Fairmont will pay $285,000. It’s a new plant that began production in June 2008 with a wastewater treatment system not permitted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).

Aside from the delicious irony of a Green Product running afoul of government regulations like the MPCA this seems pretty serious and yet straight forward.

What else?

Another plant discharged wastewater into a creek illegally. Another burned wood that was painted or treated with preservatives, releasing lead and arsenic into the air. Another took discharge water that was supposed to irrigate a golf course and dumped it into the sewer.


Green is as Green does.

In the mean time, spare me the self righteous bull shit that is environmentally friendly legislation.

4 responses to “I wonder if This is What They Wanted?

  1. First mistake: tossing all things left in the environmental stew pot. Or…stirring the stew pot of environmental professionals with ‘leftists’. The problem with American conservatives is they want to check a box. They want things black or white. Forget the browns; they’re illegal. Forget the gray; it’s dreary.

    Growing corn for ethanol isn’t going to pay off in reducing the overall CO2 emissions. It may, in fact, add to it. When cropland shuffled away from growing food to growing corn for ethanol then you are left with less food. The population is growing almost at an expontial rate; more people to feed. Therefore, more land, such as forests will be cleared for cropland to grow the food that would have been grown on the cropland that is now in use growing corn for ethanol. Clearing forest, in turn, adds to the problem as we need the trees for carbon sink, many other hydrological reasons.

    It also discourages the rotation of crops, which is good for the soil. What’s good for the soil is good for the crop. But! If the ‘market’ calls for corn for ethanol then by God! corn it is.

    I’m both left of center and an environ. professional. What I’m not is in favor of is taking cropland out of production for food and placing in production for corn for ethanol. Besides, it isn’t going to pay off in offsets on CO2.

    • First mistake: tossing all things left in the environmental stew pot. Or…stirring the stew pot of environmental professionals with ‘leftists’.

      Hi Dyvette,

      You are right, err…correct 😉 I tend to jam all folks who disagree with me into the category Leftist. I acknowledge that and am trying to work on that.

      Forget the browns; they’re illegal

      While I personally side with you on this issue, I cede the point that the Right has it wrong on this one. And it was clever.

      Growing corn for ethanol isn’t going to pay off in reducing the overall CO2 emissions. It may, in fact, add to it.

      I’m not going to disagree with you that we should care for the environment. And I am encouraged to see that you acknowledge the fact that growing food for fuel creates perverse incentives. If you are at that point, I think there is a strong chance that we can agree on many substantive elements in this area.

      I’m both left of center and an environ. professional.

      I’m hard right of center fiscally. Left of center socially. As I mentioned above, it sounds like there’s a shot we could meet in the middle.

  2. This story has nothing to do with the use of green technology. This is simply a story of companies who are not following production protocols in the correct manner. Absolutely nothing about the use, incorporation, or legal production process of green technology has anything to do with a company deciding to illegally dump wastewater into a creek or a company burning painted wood.

    The goal of green technology is to reduce the overall negative effects of energy production on the environment. Your story has absolutely nothing to do with green technology as a viable alternative to more traditional non-renewable energy production.

    An analogy to this situation is to say that Christianity is supposed to “Do Good” in society. Then pointing to a few Christian religious groups who do harmful things. This certainly happens but it does not mean that we do not want Christianity in our society.

    • This story has nothing to do with the use of green technology.

      Hi Brant,

      Perhaps. But it DOES point out the fact that its not just the evil Right who wants to destroy Mother Earth. Even folks who WANT to save Her struggle from time to time. My point is more that perhaps the Left should ease up a tad.

      Your story has absolutely nothing to do with green technology as a viable alternative to more traditional non-renewable energy production.

      Other than the fact that Green Technology technologies are frought with the same troubles as traditional energy production.

      This certainly happens but it does not mean that we do not want Christianity in our society.

      Very good point; and well stated. My response is that just because someone does something in the name of Christianity we don’t wanna let it pass if it’s wrong.

      Same with Green Technology.

      If it doesn’t get the desired results, don’t let the dogma of the technology blind ya.

      Thanks for stoppin’ by…..come again!

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