Mike Ditka waxing poetic the other day on the issue of football players kneeling during the National Anthem, had this to say:
All of a sudden, it’s become a big deal now, about oppression,” Ditka said. “There has been no oppression in the last 100 years that I know of. Now maybe I’m not watching it as carefully as other people. I think the opportunity is there for everybody. … If you want to work, if you want to try, if you want to put effort into yourself, I think you can accomplish anything.
Over here sparky.
I get that you might not see color when you are dealing with players or colleagues. I get that you might not be guilty of the profiling and bigotry that many folks are experiencing. But pssst ….. things have been bad, WAY bad, for black people well inside of 100 years.
Think not being able to vote.
Own a house.
Go to school.
Play in Major League Baseball.
Marrying people you love.
Walking without fear of being killed.
There has been significant oppression in the last 100 years. And a guy with your platform can’t afford to say otherwise.