Category Archives: Politics: National

Reason Absent


Charlottesville is a hot shitty mess.   And it’s been a long time in coming.

My thoughts, bullet list style:

  • America is not a racist nation
  • White nationalists are racist assholes
  • Black nationalists are racist assholes
  • The first amendment matters
  • The sixth commandment matters
  • Not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist
  • If you are a racist, you likely voted for Trump
  • The Civil War was fought over slavery
  • Many MANY Confederate soldiers and officers were noble honorable warriors
  • Removing Confederate statues does not carry moral worth


My heart breaks as Charlottesville unfolds.  So much pain, so much tragedy, so much misplaced … misplaced ‘righteousness’.

Such bullshit.

What is it about human nature that we always see the ‘other’ in the other?  Why is it that we can’t see the common?  See that each of us, almost all of us, wants the same thing?  We wanna love, deeply, and then fall ever deeper in love.  We want a home safe from danger, to live with the front door unlocked, and wake up to sunshine and birds in the yard.

I have never known a neighbor that didn’t want their kids to play in the street, to go to a good school, then a good college and then a good job.  Marriage and kids of their own are next.  We all want that picket fence.  Why do we need to hate?  And hurt?  And be so afraid?

When did we all become so afraid?

Why are we so afraid of the way each lives his life?  Why do we care if he reads Asimov?  Or he reads Othello?  Or she plays chess or he Pokemon?  How can it determine the content if he enjoys listening to this style of music or she enjoys studying this war; this artist or this general?  How can that matter so SO much?

As I watch the news and listen to the radio and read the papers I am inundated.  Inundated with the horror, the rage, the vile nature of the worst example of us.

This is not us – this is not who we are.

Reject it.  Simply reject the premise and make your own way; shit, continue on the glorious noble way that you’ve already forged.  Do it with honor, do it boldly, do it with the same compassion and love that drove you to that place to begin with.

Because the alternative is simply impossible.  It is impossible to live in the world envisioned by those who perpetuate the divide.

For just one fuckin’ second, consider how we are the same and stop focusing on how we’re different.

The Left’s Lack of Independent Thought – And They Don’t Believe in Science

I’ve recently been engaging in climate science, the settled nature of it and the implications it has on politics.

For me, my take remains the same:

CO2 is a green house gas
Man contributes to increasing levels of CO2
Green house gases contribute to a warming world

Man has warmed the world more than it otherwise would have.

I am not convinced of catastrophic global warming.   Neither are 97% of the world’s scientists.  In fact, the IPCC itself states:

The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.

Most skeptics I know and read are of the same position.  We agree that the world is warming, that man is contributing but doubt the degree and future catastrophic consequences – the science isn’t in.

You would think such a position could easily be mainstream.  Admitting past actions and waiting for the science to come in on future actions.  But we’re dealing with the Left here, a group of people completely unhinged from reality.  For evidence, ask yourself, given that climate science  is complex and that we admit to not knowing all there is to know, look at two groups of people.

One group is made up of a population totally and completely in lock step.  Not one member of the group doubts the group thought and not one member votes against this group thought.

The second group is made up of diverse opinions.  There is debate.  There is an element of open mindedness.  Politicians in this second group do not vote in a block.

The first group are made up of folks on the left – they claim they believe in science.  They don’t.  They believe in the near religion of man made catastrophic global warming.  The second group is made up of those on the right.

We believe in science.

As evidence of this fact, we were given a demonstration this week:

In the latest sign of what some see as growing rigidity of thought among American liberals, new New York Times columnist Bret Stephens has been skewered online by readers of the paper for his first column. The subject of that column was a growing rigidity of thought among American liberals.

In a recognition of how serious the situation had become, executive editor Dean Baquet appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday morning, asking host Brian Stelter, “Didn’t we learn from this past election that our goal should be to understand different views?”

Apparently not. It’s unclear how many people have dropped their subscriptions over Stephens column, and how much of the outrage was amplified by social media. Either way, the anger is a sign of a deeper struggle on the American left over what, exactly, are the core values of the Democratic Party. There are many competitors: identity politics, wage equality, reproductive choice, renewable energy. Which are central, and which can be treated as ancillary concerns? Liberals are painfully, publicly asking themselves that question.

Liberals are cancelling their subscription to the New York Times becuase they are forced to share ideas in their safe space.

Tolerant left indeed.


I’ve been slow to blogging for some time now – and I go back and forth on trying to get the focus to get back at it.  And so I find myself at the keyboard today.  And I’m looking for something to write on with no luck.

And t occurred to me – I have to, HAVE to, post on Donald Trump and his Presidency.

It is an absolute shit show.

From the press secretary to the executive orders Trump is showing that he is going to abuse the Presidency with little regard to the law.  Forget the fact that his policies are wrong minded.  From tariffs to immigration, Trump is starting off horribly with every indication that he will keep on going.

Come on 2020.

Chart of the Day


Why Clinton lost in one chart.

There was no “Whitelash”.

The democrats just didn’t care who won.

Yeah – What Coyote Said


He.  Is.  Not.  Conservative.

Word for word from the Coyote:

Dear Conservatives:  As you wallow around in your election-day schadenfreude, I offer you this note of caution:  Except perhaps on immigration and a few miscellaneous issues like climate, Trump is not a Conservative.  He has no apparent respect for the Constitution, or free speech, or any number of individual freedoms.  He is a serial abuser of eminent domain and has lived off of crony rents for decades.  We often compare government unfavorably to private individuals when it comes to budgeting, observing that most of us can only spend as much as we bring in, unlike a profligate Federal government — but Trump can’t control spending in his own private sphere and has run up huge amounts of debt he has had to disavow in various quests for self-aggrandizement.  Do you really think he won’t do the same thing with public funds?

I said this morning I would give up political prognostication, but I am fairly sure in less than 6 months we are going to see prominent Conservatives coming out publicly with buyer’s remorse.


My God – What Have We Done


In an upset for the ages, Donald Trump won the election.  I’m stunned.

And distressed.

I have been Never Trump from the start, I warned my republican friends that if nominated, I wouldn’t vote for him.  I went so far as to say that if I were forced to vote for Hillary or Donald, I’d have to go with Clinton [luckily there were three options for me].

I don’t think that he has the temperament, the character or the policy platform that qualify him for the highest office in the land.  Yet he won.

I am distressed.

I’m distressed that the republican party couldn’t nominate a better candidate AND distressed that the democrat party couldn’t nominate someone strong enough to sway me to vote for them.  Truly a sad day in America that we woke up to.

Now, is there any good news?  Yes.

  1. Barack Obama didn’t win last night.
  2. Harry Reid didn’t win either.
  3. The republicans held the Senate.
  4. And the House.
  5. There was a massive down ticket win for the conservatives.

It cannot be overstated how important it is that President Obama is soon too be out of power.; it’s been a brutal 8 years.  Further, with control of the senate there will be consideration for the Supreme Court – and if Trump holds too his word [not a guarantee] there will be a conservative Justice to replace the conservative Justice.  And perhaps another and maybe even another.

Perhaps the worst fears of the left have been realized and the racists and the bigots and the fear mongers got their man.  I hope that’s not the case.  If there is any hope of a ray of light in this, it’s that true blue red blooded Americans were fed up with 8 years of failed policies, were fed up with an elite republican party structure that ignored them after 2010 and were rightfully fearful of an utterly corrupt and morally empty human being that is Hillary Clinton.  Let us hope that we can find the better angels of our nature.


Tarheel Wavers

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest holds his daily press briefing at the White House in Washington, U.S. October 31, 2016. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst - RTX2R8UU

Since Trump has been a candidate I have been #NeverTrump solidly.

With the recent Hillary scandals I am moving towards #NeverHillary.

This from the White House:

“I’ll neither defend nor criticize Director Comey’s decision to communicate to the public about the facts of this investigation,” Earnest said Monday. “I’ll do that because of the institutional role of the White House not to interfere with an ongoing FBI or DOJ investigation. I’ll also do that because I don’t have any independent knowledge of what led Director Comey to decide to release that information.”

Standing Rock Sioux v DAPL – Pino’s Solution


There is a protest in North Dakota.

For all that’s been said, it follows the general political story:

  1. The liberals* have correctly identified a wrong
  2. They have zero clue how to implement a solution

The Indian’s greatest mistake, being susceptible to disease is not a mistake, is to trust the United States Federal government.  After centuries of being absolutely abused, I am continually astonished that they are astonished the government would screw ’em at the first opportunity.

Here is my very simple two step process to solve the situation.

  1. End the notion that there exists, in any legal manner, the concept of a Sovereign Nation.  There is none.Zero sovereign nations outside the 50 great states of these United States exists.


  2. Stop with this reservation bullshit.  Deed the land to each member of the tribe so that each member/family has their own equal and private ownership of said reservation land.Now each individual can contract that land as their individual circumstance would dictate.  Wanna sell it?  Sell it.  Wanna lease it?  Lease it.

    Wanna tell DAPL to shove it – do that too.

End of story.

  • There is no small irony that the same group of people that mock me for the belief in a “White Haired Gandolph sitting on a throne” myth would get so “offended at the thought” of a sacred site of long dead and dust ancestors.I, of course, understand.  But I acknowledge the existence of Deity, of the after life, of sacredness and all that comes with it.  I just for one blessed minute would like to be spared the indignation of sacrilege while praising such things as “The Piss Christ”.

    By the way, just 3 years ago a ‘sacred burial ground of MY people’ was dug up and moved to make way for a housing complex.  Not an exact parallel but jeepers.  Compensation was offered, negotiated and accepted.  Honoring of the dead ancestors was preserved and protests = 0.

    Just sayin’.

The Most Qualified Person In The World


According to Barack Obama, Hillary is the most qualified candidate  to ever run for President.  Near as I can tell, she  has three such qualifications:

  1. First Lady – 8 years
  2. Senator – 4 years
  3. Secretary of State – 4 years

No one else had more experience?

How about H.W. Bush?

  1. U.S. Navy – 4 years
  2. Congressman – 4 years
  3. UN Ambassador – 2 years
  4. Chair of the GOP – 2 years
  5. Envoy too China – 2 years
  6. Director C.I.A. – 2 years
  7. V.P – 8 years

Not even close – Bush by unanimous decision.

It Takes a Village

It Takes a Village

It’s true.  It DOES take a village to succeed in life.  You need family, friends, neighbors and networks to survive in the world – you can’t do it alone.

Yet I cringe when I hear the phrase.  That’s my issue.

Anywho – I’m surprised at the tone of The Atlantic:

How do single moms with few resources and little income survive?

“They trade, they bargain, they strategize, they give each other daycare help, they share housing and food—women learn to strategize their way through all of these resources,” Suzanne Morrissey, a professor at Whitman College who has studied these families, told me.

Research suggests that while two-parent families may be isolated islands of efficiency, single parents—even poor ones—rely on an ever-expanding social network to get by. That social network has become even more important in the wake of welfare reform, when women who couldn’t find work could no longer count on cash assistance, and had to depend on their families and friends.

“It was really piecing together help from family and friends, letting bills stay unpaid, and in some of the more dire situations, they doubled up with friends and other family members because housing is such a big cost,” said Kristin Seefeldt, a professor at the University of Michigan who recently released a study about the strategies used by low-income parents in the wake of welfare reform.

I remember being low income.  I had a roommate and often times roomMATES.  We shared many things; food, rent, cars, utilities and yes – money.

In fact, I vividly remember having conversations with my main man that should either of us find ourselves in the position of having a kid out of wedlock that we would BOTH work to support that child – whatever came our way.

Why is that a bad thing?

Also, and I can’t let this slip, especially after my post on ‘social contract‘, when does single mom become a choice as opposed to an unwanted aspect of life?

Syracuse resident Brandi Davis, a 35-year-old mother of five, has been on public assistance since she was 18 years old. She asks her parents and grandmother to watch her kids when she’s working her minimum-wage job at the grocery store, and sometimes her older children help out, too. The help is necessary, especially since the jobs available to Davis, who has a GED, mostly pay minimum wage.

Beginning at adulthood, young Ms. Davis has never cared for herself yet has brought 5 children into this world.


Does society’s obligation have limits?