Tax Revenues Year Over Year

Did you know that there are two ways to increase revenues generated from taxation?

If you’re liberal, we’ll forgive you for not knowing very much about things like economics:

You can either increase the rate at which you tax the population or you can increase the amount of money the population has.

One of those things results in bringing in more money to the federal government.  The other results in being labelled a class warrior.

I just posted that the federal government is set to receive a 6.51% raise.  And with the updated numbers I can understand that the government is upset with its raise.  After all, since 1941, the average increase in revenues to the federal government is a healthy 9.54%.  Even going back to a much more recent 20 year history we are seeing a 4.14% increase, and that’s including the negative 16.60% turkey we saw in 2009.

The fact is this, if you wanna increase revenue, then focus on increasing revenue.  Grow the economy, embrace business and celebrate capitalism.  On the other hand, if you wanna use the tax code to redistribute wealth in the name of raising revenue, be honest about that.

2 responses to “Tax Revenues Year Over Year

  1. You can either increase the rate at which you tax the population or you can increase the amount of money the population has.

    Well, that only works if you institute a wealth tax, which would be even more progressive. I assume you mean “increase the amount of money the population [earns]”, which is very different. But that’s okay, you got a shot in about how liberals don’t know anything about economics, while simply proposing that we “grow the economy” and “embrace businesses” (who, of course, avoid paying any taxes when they can help it, because they’re such good little patriots).

    • I assume you mean “increase the amount of money the population [earns]“, which is very different.

      It is. Grow the pie.

      But that’s okay, you got a shot in about how liberals don’t know anything about economics

      Well played.

      who, of course, avoid paying any taxes when they can help it, because they’re such good little patriots

      Yes, this bugs me a lot. If we have a law saying you have to pay taxes, you should have to follow that law. Now, I’m willing to discuss lowering them, but being able to dodge them, because you are big and can change legislation…? THAT is uncool.

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