This afternoon Occupy Raleigh #Occupied a house that had been foreclosed on where the former owner had maintained residence.
Many were arrested.
The usual story applies.
What struck me were these two comments:
Todd Warren, an Occupy organizer from Greensboro, said the group thinks Nikki Shelton is one of more than 10 families in the neighborhood who face illegal foreclosure. The protesters say they’ve uncovered “evidence of robo-signing,” the practice where mortgage servicers sign documents without reading them.
“Housing is a human right,” Warren said. “We’re not going to let people be put out of their homes while banks make record profit.”
To be honest, if the families are being evicted from their homes illegally, I support holding the banks accountable. But the idea that “housing is a human right” is patently absurd. There can be nothing that is a human right that requires another man do anything in order to secure that right.
And then this statement:
Shelton, who was not among those arrested Monday, stood solemnly in the sun outside her former home during the protest.
“This is my civil right to fight to get my home back,” she said. “It’s not us who are the ones doing anything against the law.”
It’s her civil right to get her home back. A home that she hasn’t been able to pay for. A home, that since 2007, she hasn’t paid for, is hers. And that denying her that home is somehow denying her civil rights.
I watched their ustream yesterday as it unfolded. Nice thought, but in typical OWS fashion: ultimately disorganized, poorly executed, and alas fruitless.
I watched their ustream yesterday as it unfolded. Nice thought,
Seriously, right? If the banks are perpetrating fraud find a lawyer who is willing to work pro bono or will work based on fees from suing the bank, and get this family their house back.
in typical OWS fashion: ultimately disorganized, poorly executed, and alas fruitless.
Yes. Sitting in the middle of a house that you don’t own while the owners want you to leave isn’t going to get anything accomplished.
The protesters say they’ve uncovered “evidence of robo-signing,” the practice where mortgage servicers sign documents without reading them.
I would love Love LOVE to see their “evidence.”
Pino ,
Slowly, very slowly I am becoming optimistic that the insanity controlling this country is waning . OWS is losing what power it had, the race baiters have not succeeded in launching a race war, and even the wackiest ship in the fleet of 57 states, California, just had their court dismiss the happy meal lawsuit against Mcdonalds. I hope the trend continues .
OWS is losing what power it had
They really had little power.
the race baiters have not succeeded in launching a race war
I agree with you, this is much more significant.
and even the wackiest ship in the fleet of 57 states, California, just had their court dismiss the happy meal lawsuit against Mcdonalds.
I saw that; thank gawd!