We’re in a place where we need to create jobs. We need to be able to take folks who are on the unemployment rolls and move them to the tax roles. And to do that, we have got to make hiring someone a better option than not hiring someone.
Employees provide productivity. They do this in the same way that machines and assembly lines do. In the exact same manner and means that a company owner will seek out the cheapest source of copper or lumber or wool, she will seek out the cheapest source of labor.
And in the exact same way that a commodity that has a tariff attached to it faces a decline in demand, so does the union worker face a decline in demand. It’s true, the individual Unionista will experience higher wages than he otherwise deserves, but the fact remains that fewer of his neighbors will be hired to enjoy such luxuries.
I have expressed satisfaction earlier that elections have consequences and we’re seeing it to the massive benefit of the great state of Indiana. In continuation of wins in 2010, Indiana passed Right to Work legislation that was signed into law by the Governor of that state, Mitch Daniels:
The controversial “right to work” bill was approved by the state Senate today with a 28 to 22 vote. Once Daniels signs the bill into law, which he is expected to do later today, Indiana will be the first state in a decade to pass a right to work law.
Indeed, the Good Gov’na did sign the bill:
Update at 3:09 p.m. ET. With a signature, Gov. Mitch Daniels has turned Indianapolis into a right to work state. The governor signed into a law a controversial bill that would prohibit labor contracts from requiring workers to pay union dues, according to the AP.
Here’s to Indiana having the courage to pass this bill into law!