Doesn’t mean it’s bad.
Or wrong.
Listen, I’m a pretty big “small government” kinda guy. I resonate with the whole, “leave me alone” kinda thing. I firmly believe that if we required government to focus on what government was supposed to do, we’d all be better off.
However, with that said, Government gets to do what it wants to do on land it owns:
Gun enthusiasts are rallying opposition to a string of new federal proposals that could close off hundreds of thousands of acres in the open West to target shooting.
The proposals from the Bureau of Land Management potentially would outlaw target shooting in swaths of public land in Arizona and Colorado as part of a broader conservation planning effort.
As near as I can tell, the government isn’t saying that you can’t own guns on Federal property. They aren’t saying you can’t CARRY guns on Federal property. They’re just saying you can’t shoot skeet on government property.
There’s a lot of stuff you can’t do on government property.
You can’t speed.
You can’t sit in the middle of the street just because you’re a stinky hippy sad that someone makes more money than you.
A whole bunch of stuff.
I suggest that the NRA back off on this one.
i hope this doesn’t make you reevaluate, but we agree
i hope this doesn’t make you reevaluate, but we agree
Not at all.
I resonate with the tribal thing. I think we’re all guilty of it; and just because not everyone acknowledges it doesn’t mean that I should pretend I don’t have work to do.
I should call out Republicans for acting like Democrats when ever I see it LOL 😉
My instinct is to disagree with you. I have not heard about this, but if land was previously open to target shooting I would like to know more about why Obama is suddenly closing it. I have shot clays and it is not always easy to find places to do that , so I sympathize with anyone who suddenly loses his shooting range . I have also had many, many good hunting areas suddenly closed to me , so any change in shooting concerns me . I can’t believe anything coming from Obama in this field can be good .
I sympathize with anyone who suddenly loses his shooting range .
Me too. In the same way I’ll sympathize with someone who loses their welfare.
I have also had many, many good hunting areas suddenly closed to me , so any change in shooting concerns me .
Well, if you and other shooters wanna shoot, I think you should go buy land for that reason.
I hope you extend that courtesy to hikers, mountain bikers, 4 wheelers, bird watchers, canoe paddlers, and fishermen . But you are right about shooting. It has become a rich mans sport. Those of us who put their money into their families have been squeezed out of it . Not that I’m bitter. Like the liberals say, I don’t hate anyone .