IOP: Idiots on Parade – Constitution Style

In my life I have learned a number of things.  Perhaps chief among them is the ability of people to demonstrate just how unlearned they are.


I have yet to learn that the most egregious of these examples come from our elected officials.

Check out Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee:

She has the floor during the debate to repeal Obama Care.  She is speaking to us [I hope she doesn’t think she speaks FOR us] regarding the constitutionality of the repeal.  Listen to her utter lack of understanding regarding what is and what is not a constitutional right.

Jaw droppingly stupid.

2 responses to “IOP: Idiots on Parade – Constitution Style

  1. It is amazing how Liberals expand definitions. Equal protection under the law has nothing to do with health care. Why doesn’t the gentlewoman cite the interstate commerce clause ? That was always the Liberals favorite clause to justify anything.

    • Why doesn’t the gentlewoman cite the interstate commerce clause ?

      To me, that ruling during FDR’s reign, is the biggest bummer of his legacy. And the only, the ONLY, reason he was able to finesse that ruling is because he threatened to add enough Justices to the Supreme Court to sway the majority his way.

      The damage that single ruling has done.

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