Turns out that just around the corner, we have work to do. Here, Butner Blogspot is talking about clean coal and how it’s not so clean.
In reality, there is no such thing as “clean” coal in America today. Coal cannot be called ‘clean’ until its CO2 emissions are captured and stored safely.
So, using this same definition for all things, I am guessing that there is no such thing as ‘clean’ trees? Or ‘clean’, say, people, or squirrels and such?
Butner continues:
Today, coal power plants emit carbon dioxide (CO2), the pollutant causing the climate crisis. A third of the America’s carbon pollution now comes from about 600 coal-fired power plants.
I guess we are skipping the whole science part, or that the alarmist science might be wrong, or tampered with or any other misguided side affect of the Global Warming scare.
The fact that coal isn’t clean doesn’t have so much to do with CO2 emissions as pollution elsewhere. In some places they’re now, literally, blowing up mountains to extract coal and putting the rubble in valleys. It’s illegal to do so, but neither the local or federal governments want to do anything about it. And then even if the burning process itself is “clean” in that there are developing technologies to reduce harmful emissions, you have to worry about the ash. I’m sure you heard about what happened in Tennessee recently. Coal ash can really create a lot of environmental problems on its own.
The fact that coal isn’t clean doesn’t have so much to do with CO2 emissions as pollution elsewhere.
I agree; but that’s not the point Butner was making. I am against pollution in whatever form.
And then even if the burning process itself is “clean” in that there are developing technologies to reduce harmful emissions, you have to worry about the ash.
It sounds like you and are on the same page. My only point is that I don’t like the whole Global Warming non-argument thrown in the mix.