Tag Archives: Unionista

Unions and Collective Bargaining

Let’s be clear.  Let’s be VERY clear.

Removing Collective Bargaining does not diminish the dignity of an individual.  It didn’t increase said dignity when Collective Bargaining was permitted, nor can the removal of it be seen to diminish it.

Even without Collective Bargaining, an individual, or group of individuals, has the ability to bargain for benefits.  This includes wages as well as side benefits.

Collective Bargaining is a legal right.  It is not a Natural Right.  As such, removing it does not “enslave” the Unionista.

Collective Bargaining in the private sector is just as invalid, though less damaging, as it is in the public sector.

Unions are NOT pro-industry.  They are pro-UNIONS.

Just sayin’.

Words Have Meanings


Words conjure imagery.  And those images are powerful powerful things.  And people should know that, especially powerful people that write things like laws.

But somehow it doesn’t surprise me when that powerful lawmaker who doesn’t know these things is one Charles Rangel.

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