Tag Archives: Little E

Romney, Taxes And Cabinet Positions

A certain Mr. Harry Reid has set off a kerfuffle with his statement that Romney hadn’t paid taxes for 10 years:

“He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that’s true? Well, I’m not certain,” said Reid.

After reading the article, I’ve found this claim by Harry Reid to be only the SECOND most amazing thing he mentioned.  I mean, forget that I could say  that my buddy saw Dale Earnhardt Jr. giving Michelle Obama the business while she was here on a campaign stop, “Now, do  I know that that’s true?  Well, I’m not certain.”

The MOST amazing claim from the Majority Leader was this:

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn’t make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

Are you kidding me?  Let’s look:

  • Kathleen Sebelius
  • Tom Daschle
  • Tim Geithner
  • Eric Holder
  • Hillary Clinton

All members or nominees of Obama’s cabinet.  THIS President clearly doesn’t care if members of the Cabinet pay or not pay their taxes.