When the Other is a Hater


Someone can disagree with you and simultaneously not be a hater, a bigot, fearful of anything or anyone or be a racist and love the sound of a baby’s laughter, raise honeybees and dedicate his life to increasing the general goodness around her.

2 responses to “When the Other is a Hater

  1. You are SOOO on my Christmas list, Pino! Great post on the Social Contract and then you follow it up with an Emerson quote that I hadn’t come across? Bravo! 🙂

    Huge fan of Emerson. “Self-Reliance” is probably my favorite of his essays.

    • Great post on the Social Contract and then you follow it up with an Emerson quote that I hadn’t come across? Bravo! 🙂

      I’ve been inspired by Sowell lately.

      He takes issues with liberals who wanna ‘help’ those folks who need a helping hand when in fact they have really just created a mascot.

      Huge fan of Emerson. “Self-Reliance” is probably my favorite of his essays.

      Looking it up right now…..

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