

This afternoon I was speed reading the “headlines” on my Facebook feed when an I saw an entry from an old classmate of mine.  I saw the words, “Who is a teacher”?

Lots of my friends are teachers, many in my family are teachers; hell, I was a teacher.  So I took the few seconds to scan the post.  Turned out it was the transcript of that epic YouTube video of a teacher giving the business to some snarky smart-ass lawyer.

I realized that I hammer teacher unions.  A ton.  And that I am highly skeptical, not of publicly funded education, but government run schools.  And then I realized that it might seem, perhaps fairly, that I hold teachers in low regard.

And I don’t.

Teachers are incredible animals facing challenges that many of us can’t begin to dream of.

Here’s to teachers!

2 responses to “Teachers

  1. That’s a great link! Teachers have it rough. On the one hand, they must follow a particular curriculum and on the other they must try to adhere to the individual needs of a child……. There is a bit of a fray going on at the RNL about this.

    Teaching is a unique job. When you are dealing with a young mind, I feel that you must take in many factors….and now a video for you because you have put it into my thoughts…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhiCFdWeQfA

    • and now a video for you because you have put it into my thoughts…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhiCFdWeQfA

      A classic if there ever was one!

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