If there was any doubt about who the media wants to win the election:
I’m pretty sure that this ends the argument about a media bias.
If there was any doubt about who the media wants to win the election:
I’m pretty sure that this ends the argument about a media bias.
Actually, I think some Obama supporters were afraid of this title, that it was too, well, gay…
Yep, it’s been clear for a long time that the media has an anti-Obama bias:
And just think back to the wall-to-wall coverage of Rev. Wright back in the 2008 primary. And now this Newsweek cover, which Rand Paul would consider a straight-up insult of the president.
reflectionephemeral ,
President Obama has the kindest, most gentle press of any President, ever . You were joking, right ?
[citation needed]
People who study these things say that the coverage of the president is more negative in tone than positive– which is not the case for the GOP candidates.
The media has a centrist bias. Everyone old enough to remember the invasion of Iraq knows that there’s no such thing as the “liberal media”.
One magazine (just out of bankruptcy) puts him on the cover with a rainbow halo (which may help or may hurt Obama in the fall) and this ends the debate on whether there is media bias? Come on.
If Newsweek put Romney on the cover with a halo hugging the bible would that be pro or anti romney bias?
reflectionephemeral ,
You are rationalizing by cherry picking your facts quite severely I’d say, to match your need to splain to yourself why President Obama’s agenda has been such a failure . If Obama’s press this year is so bad , probably it’s because even they have to report the truth sometimes . Imagine how much worse it would be if Barak Obama was a Republican with his exact same record of achievement .