Democrats Continue To Wage War On Women

We all know that the democrats have tried to set up a fake republican “War on Women.”  It’s obvious that Obama is going to have to run on his record this time around and, as we all predicted, he has a very poor record to run on.

He knows this.  The DNC knows this.  Stephanopoulos knew this.  We all know this.

But it’s a fake war.  No one is denying women the ability to purchase health care or health care insurance.  No one is denying women the ability to purchase contraception.  And no one is denying women reasonable access to abortions.  Women make as much or more than men do.

In fact, if there were a “War on Women” it would be the legislation like the Lilly Ledbetter Act.  Legislation that attempts to mandate wages only serves to discriminate against the very group it is working to protect.   See minimum wage laws.

Anyway, the irony of the democrats creating this false narrative is hilarious.  If only because it’s the democrats doing the actual “waging.”

First it was Hilary Rosen.

Now it’s Bill Maher:

HBO’s Bill Maher weighs in on the Hilary Rosen controversy, dismissing it as a “non-consequential,” meaningless controversy. Maher also says Ann Romney “has never gotten her ass out of the house to work.”

“The language here was, perhaps, inartful, or perhaps America is a society that lives to fight stupid, non-consequential, meaningless controversies and this is the new one,” Bill Maher said during the panel portion of his HBO show “Real Time” last night.

“But what she meant to say, I think, was that Ann Romney has never gotten her ass out of the house to work. No one is denying that being a mother is a tough job, I remember that I was a handful. Okay, but there is a big difference in being a mother, and that tough job, and getting your ass out of the door at 7am when it’s cold, having to deal with the boss, being in a workplace, and even if you’re unhappy you can’t show it for 8 hours, that is a different kind of tough thing,” Maher observed last night.

Simply amazing.  I have no words to describe what we’re seeing.  Democrats accuse the right of waging war, there is no such war, and then THEY go and wage war.

I love it!  I hope Maher never stops talking.  He attacks Palin calling her a twat and then Ann Romney by saying that she never has to “get out the door at 7 am.”


7 responses to “Democrats Continue To Wage War On Women

  1. Nobody would say Bill Maher speaks for the Democrats!

    Nobody is waging a war on women. It’s the boring political season where there are months before the election so the media is playing silly games. Both sides are being silly. That’s why I tune out politically at this point in the election cycle. It’s not going to really ‘get real’ until we get near the conventions.

    I also don’t think anyone but political junkies are really tuning in at this point.

    • Nobody would say Bill Maher speaks for the Democrats!

      Of course he does. He and Jon and Stephen….? All surrogates.

      Nobody is waging a war on women.

      It would appear that the left is waging a war on themselves.

  2. Scott,

    ” Nobody would say Bill Maher speaks for the Democrats! ”

    I would . The man bashes Republicans and is never disowned by Democrats . Oh, and did I mention the $ 1 million he gave to a super pac supporting President Obama ?

    • Maher doesn’t address our conventions or caucuses. Limbaugh is a power monger for the GOP. You’re wrong. Simply wrong. Donations equal influence, sure, but it doesn’t equal messaging UNLESS the group you donate to follows your directions.

      Also, remember when Maher was fired by ABC? Can we assume that ABC was a good neutral news outlet since then?

  3. How often does Limbaugh speak to the RNC, CPAC, etc?

    And how often does Maher speak to the DNC?

    The answer will surprise you. Well, only if you’re really that out of touch to think they’re comparable.

    • How often does Limbaugh speak to the RNC, CPAC, etc?

      And how often does Maher speak to the DNC?

      Sorry man. When people actually use stats like “more of Jon Stewart’s listeners are better informed of the news than Fox News listeners” they begin to create a equivalence. Jon and Bill and Stephen are in the same boat.

      And just because they claim to be comedians who aren’t serious doesn’t allow them to continue this arm’s length relationship with the left.

    • And how often does Maher speak to the DNC?

      But just for fun:

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